Good News

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"Harry," I shook him awake. "Something's wrong."

He opened his eyes to meet mine.

"What's wrong, Sophie?" he asked groggily.

"I'm feeling very crampy- something isn't right," I answered with my hand over my belly.

He sat up abruptly, picked up his phone and called for the overnight driver. I texted Alexander and asked if he could keep the boys an extra day. Manuela answered on the first ring and agreed to come right over.

By the time we had gotten ready, Manuela was at the door and the car was in front of our house.

"I've called the hospital, they will get us in immediately," Harry kissed my forehead and led me to the car.


"Mrs. Styles, your baby has an anterior placenta," the doctor told us as he shifted his glasses on his face. "This means you won't feel him move as much."

"Him??" Harry asked.

I giggled realizing that everything was ok and Harry had just found out the baby's sex.

"Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't want to know?" The doctor asked nervously.

"It's ok," I smiled. "Thank you for everything."


Harry held me on the way home. The car ride back was quiet and we fell back asleep right away.

*end flashback*


Her plump little hand hugged his finger tightly. Harry was Evelyn's hero and she adored her big brothers. While they were away with Alexander, Evelyn was glued to us but enjoyed sleeping in the boys' rooms.

"Daddy, can we have donuts and coffee for breakfast?" She batted her eyelashes.

"I think you mean biscuits and tea," he replied as he handed her the sippy cup full of water.

"Nope," she retorted. "I want a chocolate donut."

I heard him chuckle as he led her out of our bedroom and down the hallway. It was a chilly Saturday morning in February; our second daughter was due any day. I had been on bedrest since November - just as a precaution.

My phone vibrated as I stood to walk to the bathroom. It was the music camp Lennon wanted to attend.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hello, Mrs. Styles, this is Fred Norcent, the camp director," he said.

"How are you today, Fred?"

"I'm fine," he answered. "I just wanted to let you know that your son Lennon has been accepted."

"That's fantastic!" I shouted.

"It is," Fred added. "In fact, we are so impressed by his talent that we would like him to also participate in the summer sessions as well."

My jaw dropped, but I wasn't surprised. Lennon had been working hard and was quite good.

"He's going to be thrilled. I cannot wait to tell him," I smiled at the thought.

"Have a nice day. See you in a few weeks," he said before he ended the call.

I waddled to the bathroom and went as fast as I could. When I called to tell Lennon, he was so excited, but still wasn't ready to tell his dad or Harry.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now