Bad News.

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The thunder roared throughout our townhome. Mondays were always hectic, but seeing as how it was our due date - our house was a zoo.

Because I had reached a full 40 weeks, my bedrest ended and I was able to live in the world again. It had stopped raining, so Evelyn and I walked home from dropping Bas off at school; Charles had taken Lennon early to practice for music camp. At the local pastry shop, we grabbed Harry's favorite danish and a couple donuts for our staff. My joy of returning was short-lived.

Something seemed off when I heard Harry's voice from the kitchen. He usually slept in on Mondays - so when I walked in and saw his face, I knew something was really wrong.

"Thanks, mum," Harry frowned. "I will call soon."

"What is it?" I asked walking closer to him.

"Robin isn't well," Harry teared up. "Mum doesn't think he will make it through summer."

"Oh no, Harry," I hugged him. "I'm so so sorry to hear that."

"Mum said she probably won't be able to be here for Madeline's birth," he said. "It will probably be a while before she can leave London."

I looked at the floor.

"Do you need to go there?" I asked him.

"Not yet, but I will after the baby arrives," he answered. "Gemma is there to help and so is my grandmother. I'm arranging for a home health care nurse to move in."

"I'm sure your mom and Robin appreciate it," I hugged him close. "I love you, Harry. I'm so sorry...Robin is such a wonderful man."

I felt a tear hit my shoulder and squeezed harder. Robin had been battling cancer for quite some time, but none of us expected it to take a turn just yet. I knew we would have a few difficult months ahead.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now