righting & writing

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I knew Harry wasn't going to be thrilled with all that I'd written - even though I explained. There were parts to our story that we hadn't shared with everyone.

I sat across the room and nursed our baby as I typed another chapter - it was difficult to not watch his face to catch a glimpse of a reaction as he read. Occasionally, I would sneak a peek over and notice his furrowed eyebrows or wide eyes... even more rare was a quiet chuckle. 

I loved his face. His smile lit up the room. His eyes glimmered and reminded me that hope exists. A small tuft of air escaped his lips - I could tell that certain part must've slightly upset him. 

"I suppose I didn't realize how much of our life you were willing to share," he sighed. "I love you, Sophie, but I guess I'm worried that people are going to react badly to our story..."

I knew he'd feel this way. I was married when we'd met - so I'm sure he believed people would consider him a homewrecker. We sat through and read the rest together. I reminded him that he had literally written a song about the beginning of us and performed it with his group. 

"But people didn't know it was about you," Harry argued. "They will once your book is published."

I did a double take, "Once my book is published...?"

"Yes," he grinned. "It's a real love. It's been messy. It's been sad. It's been sexy. It's been fun. It's going to be a best seller."

His lips graced mine as he took our tiny babe in his arms. I watched his muscles tense as he raised her above his head. Tears swelled in my eyes. I felt so grateful for him. 

They left the room so I continued to write. In the back of my mind, I could feel the sense of dread about writing the ending. Nothing felt perfect. I couldn't write a happily ever after because I didn't want to jinx us. I also couldn't make up something negative or dramatic - Lord knows we had our fair share of that. I shook my head to knock the thoughts out. 

By the time I landed back in reality, it was dark. Harry walked in with our beautiful babies and offered to bring my dinner into our room. 

"Mommy, can you please come eat dinner with us?' Evie asked with puppy dog eyes. "I want to show you our fort."

"Of course, baby girl!" I saved the file and closed my laptop. "Where is this fort?"

Her tiny hand grasped mine as she pulled me toward our living room. 

The lights were dimmed. There were pillows and blankets all over. One large sheet was pinned all across the room and Evelyn's unicorn light was shining from the floor below. To be honest, it looked magical. The four of us sat inside the fort, on a few throw pillows on the floor. 

Lennon and Sebastian came bounding into the living room - Evie immediately demanded they joined us in her amazing fort. My heart felt full. Harry and the boys were talking about the most recent Manchester United match. 

"Alright, everyone, it's bedtime," Harry yawned around 9 pm. "I've got to be up early in the morning."

By 9:30, all four children were in bed. 

"Soph, I am slightly nervous about backlash," Harry kissed my forehead. "But, your writing is wonderful and I know it will be ok."

He continued to kiss down to my neck; moved to my shoulders; slid his hands down my sides and over my hips. A soft moan escaped my lips..it had been a while since we'd had a chance to really focus and touch each other's bodies. I reached out and pulled him closer. His strong hands gripped my hips and forced them against his body. I lifted his shirt over his head and let my fingertips run down his arms and over his chest. The intensity in our kisses was powerful. His pants hit the floor so I quickly dropped to my knees onto the floor. Harry grabbed my ponytail and pushed his hard cock deeper inside my mouth. I clenched my legs together. He was so hard, I was so wet. After a few minutes of sucking, licking and jerking, Harry flipped me around and bent me over in front of him. I moaned loudly as he pouded into me. I knew he should pull out because neither of us wanted to risk it, but it felt euphoric...

Suddenly, he let out a deep groan and I felt him release inside of me.

"Shit," he said once he realized what he'd just done. "That was probably not a good idea right now."

"Too late now," I replied, shrugging my shoulders. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

Even though I wasn't sure....I knew Harry had been dealing with a lot and we hadn't made love in so long - I wanted it to be really good and memorable.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now