a scare.

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Filming for Dunkirk began and somehow photos from set were leaked. Thousands (more like millions) of Harry's fans were shocked to see that he had cut his hair. But he looked damn good.

Because Harry was shooting across the world, he hired extra help before he left. Our new security guard, Kirk, was a genuinely nice guy. The boys loved his young demeanor and attentiveness to their likes.

I was happy to know that Harry was able to see his mother more often because filming was in Europe. She was a stoic woman who put on a brave face for the hundreds of paparazzi swarming the small town. Harry explained to me that she cried a lot and he was trying to treat her to spa days and special meals.

At home, the boys, Evelyn and I were still adjusting to having an infant  again. Harry's absence was quite noticeable - but I was very thankful for the extra help. My mom offered to fly up and stay for a few days, so I accepted.

Within two weeks of Harry being away, I started missing him to the point of considering taking everyone to Europe for a week away. Of course, Madeline was still too small to travel that far, according to Harry. He was also worried about my sanity at that point.


We spoke every day for the first month; during the second month of filming, it became quite clear that we missed each other - madly. So, one Friday evening after six weeks of being across the world - Harry surprised us.

Evie was so excited to see her daddy and Madeline seemed to recognize his voice immediately. Manuela took the three older kids to Times Square on Sunday so Harry, Madeline and I could have time together.

"Well aren't you just as beautiful and clever as your older sister?" Harry cooed at our second daughter. "And you have a mischievous grin like your brothers."

He grinned at me before planting a small kiss on the baby's forehead.

"We are so blessed," he nodded. "I miss you all everyday."

"We miss you too, Harry," I gently rubbed his back. "I'm so excited for your new adventure, but I miss you."

Madeline was fast asleep in his arms when he leaned over and kissed my lips - we let it linger. My insides felt like jelly. It was incredible that he still made me melt after everything we'd been through. I loved that our love felt effortless most of the time.


A knock on our bedroom door woke me. I slowly sat up and tiptoed over to open it.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Mrs. Styles," Kirk whispered, glancing at Harry & Maddie sleeping on the bed. "We can't get in touch with Manuela - or the kids."

"How long has it been?" I kept my composure.

"Maybe two hours since she texted," he glanced at his watch. "She said they were going to Toys R Us then headed back here; however, none of us have heard from her."

"Thank you, Kirk. I'll let Harry know," I sighed. "We will meet you downstairs."

I took a deep breath and carefully woke my husband.

"What is it?" Harry's eyes scanned my face and knew something wasn't right.

"Kirk just told me that they haven't heard from Manuela in a couple hours," I replied. "We need to meet the team downstairs."

Harry carefully got up from the bed to ensure the baby didn't wake.

"I don't like this one bit," Harry whispered as he pulled a white t shirt over his head. "I'm going to call Manuela right now."


After a brief meeting in the family room and several failed attempts to reach Manuela and the children, we decided to contact the NYPD.

My anxiety was in full force, but I called Alexander.

"Maybe they can't hear their phones?" He offered. "I'm sure they're fine, but I'll head over."

As another hour had ticked by, Kirk offered to call in an extra favor to locate Manuela's work phone - which we'd always kept the location on.

The FBI friend of Kirk's located her phone inside of Central Park.

"It seems as though her battery is dead," Kirk relayed. "But that's where it was last picked up."

Alexander went to the park with Kirk. Harry and I stayed home and just hoped it was some type of miscommunication.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now