Hello, M.

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Madeline Anne Styles arrived at 8:17 am on February 4th. She was born at home in our bathtub. Her birth was uncomplicated and our family felt complete. She had dark hair and was much bigger than her sister at birth. She didn't cry often and slept better than any of my other babies as newborns. Her eyes were dark blue and sparkled in the morning.

Harry announced her arrival on social media by posting a picture of Maddie being held by her older siblings. Evelyn was thrilled to be a big sister and loved to sing to the baby. Lennon and Bas made it perfectly clear that having two little sisters was the most amazing thing in the world.

Life was good. We were enjoying being a family of six.


The first week was a juggling act. Luckily, the boys were old enough to get themselves ready for school. I packed their lunches as I wore Baby M. Manuela or Charles took them to school. Harry was preparing for the One Direction reunion tour. Alexander was recording a new album. Evelyn liked to make her own plan for the day, so we just worked with her.

"Sophie!" Harry shouted as I entered the kitchen. "I have some wonderful news!"

"What is it?" I smiled at his excitement.

"I've been given a role in the Nolan film I auditioned for!" He cried, his accent thick. "We begin filming in May!"

"Oh my gosh!!" I screamed and ran to give him a big hug. "I'm SO happy for you!!"

He kissed me and danced us around the room.

"I know this year is going to be a busy one," he turned serious. "It will be tough, but I know we can do this together."

"Of course," I nodded. "We have a lot of support, Harry. And you've worked really hard to further your career. We've got this."

"I'm so lucky to have you," He smiled and hugged me.


Madeline's quiet cry woke me from my power nap. She was a great sleeper, but keeping up with Evelyn, Lennon, Bas and a newborn wasn't an easy feat. Manuela took Evie for about an hour a day so I could have a rest and spend time bonding with Maddie.

"You are such a beautiful girl," I cooed at her little face. "You're amazing."

I began nursing her, then decided to check on Yahoo! News. Harry's face appeared immediately - the actors for Dunkirk had been announced. Fans were shocked and excited. There were mixed reviews, but it didn't matter - Harry's talent would prove the naysayers wrong.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was a text from Harry.

Don't freak out...but I need to cut my hair.

caught in a landslide, pt. 2Where stories live. Discover now