Chapter 28: It Hurts

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       Ji Yunhe updated Luo Jinsang on the things that had happened in the Demon Valley.

        Luo Jinsang listened silently.

        "Forgive me, Yunhe. I can help you steal the medicine no problem. But stealing that fish… he is so big!"

        Ji Yunhe did not intend on having Luo Jinsang break Changyi out. She knew it would be an impossible task.

        She had no idea how to take him away either.

        "Yunhe, why don't you cooperate with Lin Haoqing. If you guys can kill Lin Canglan, then you will be free to search for the antidote. Plus Lin Haoqing also promised you freedom."

        Ji Yunhe shook her head. "It's too risky. For one thing, I don't know if Lin Haoqing is that capable, and for another... I can't tell what kind of a person Lin Haoqing is right now."

        "What do you mean?"

        Ji Yunhe looked at Luo Jinsang and laughed. "First of all, he could be swindling me into attacking Lin Canglan so he himself could stand on the sidelines. Lin Canglan would then see my treacherous ways and get rid of me. Secondly, even if he really did kill Lin Canglan, there's still no guarantee that he would keep his promise to let me go. If he could kill his own father, what would stop him from killing me?"

        "True... but, he is not afraid of you telling Lin Canglan?"

        "Lin Canglan is conceited and arrogant. He's always wanted Lin Haoqing to be like this. Someone he raised with his own hands, don't you think he'd have an idea? If Lin Haoqing really did kill him someday, that old man would probably be very proud. And as long as Lin Haoqing doesn't make a move, he will just let him be. To that old fox, this Demon Valley belongs to both father and son. Also..."

        Ji Yunhe paused, "Lin Haoqing is certain that I will not tell Lin Canglan."


        "My disgust for Lin Canglan, no one understands it better than Lin Haoqing."

        Ji Yunhe could not help but laugh at herself.

        This was why Lin Haoqing said she had changed. She became as ugly as him because of her disgust and hatred for one man.

        Calculating, deceitful, and switching from side to side. She wanted vengeance, but did not want to sacrifice anything of her own.

        It was truly shameful to look at.

        "Every choice is wrong..." Luo Jinsang frowned. "So other than getting rid of both father and son, there is no good solution?"

        Ji Yunhe did not respond.

        Luo Jinsang's eyes suddenly twinkled. "Hey wait! Isn't there still Princess Shunde and the Grand Master of the imperial court? We can use them!" Luo Jinsang pulled Ji Yunhe's hands with excitement. "Out of the three wishes, only the last one is left! Just tame the jiaoren, give him to Princess Shunde, let him send a message and tell her that Lin Canglan's been defying the law for years, using demons to make drugs..."

        The antidote that Lin Canglan was giving Ji Yunhe had been refined from those demons.

        Ji Yunhe never planned on telling Luo Jinsang about the poison. But one time she did something wrong and Lin Canglan did not give her the antidote, Luo Jinsang happened to return right when she was suffering in her room. So she found out.

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