Chapter 99: Follow You

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        Luo Jinsang and Qu Xiaoxing waited anxiously on the shore.

        She almost jumped into the sea several times, but was stopped by Qu Xiaoxing. "We don't know what's going on down there, don't be so rash!"

        "Then what do we do? It's been a whole day!"

        As if in response to her question, the icy water down below suddenly splashed out, drenching them before they had time to turn around.

        Changyi leapt onto the shore along with a few live fish flopping around on the ground.

        They both stared at him for a while, then Luo Jinsang went hysterical. "Where is Yunhe?! Why did you bring fish up here? Where is she?"

        Qu Xiaoxing looked at the bouncing fish in horror. "This can't be Yun... Yunhe, right?"

        Luo Jinsang gasped, "What!?"

        Changyi wringed the water out of his hair and said, "Roast it." 

        "Roasted?? What!?" The two exclaimed in unison. 

        Changyi finally gave them a glance. "Roast the fish, I'll take it down for her to eat."

        They relaxed a bit. Qu Xiaoxing went ahead and grabbed the fish while Luo Jinsang kept asking, "Why didn't Yunhe come up with you?"


        "For how long?"

        "Three days."

        "Three days?" Luo Jinsang shifted her eyes. "Then how does she breathe down there? Are you giving her mouth to mouth?"

        Changyi froze then turned his head to ponder.

        Luo Jinsang overturned her own idea. "You are a jiaoren, surely you don't need such a primitive method. But three days... just the two of you? A man and a woman alone in the dark... You better not take advantage of her while she has no recollection of the past!"

        Changyi froze again and fell into contemplation.

        Qu Xiaoxing could not take it anymore and came up next to her, muttering in a low voice, "My lady lord, can you stop giving him ideas…"

        Changyi looked at the two of them and said, "You guys talk too much. Just cook the fish."

        The weather here around the Frozen Sea was warmer than the bitter cold in the north. Changyi walked into the forest to pick some fresh fruits while Qu Xiaoxing handled the fish.

        "Since when did this jiaoren like our Master Warden? Didn't he want to kill her? What did I miss?"

        "You missed a lot."


        Zhu Ling offered a pill to Princess Shunde.

        She took the black pill and rolled it around between her fingertips. "So fast?"

        "Lin Haoqing said all he needed was the production process of some components. Once he got it, making this pill was a breeze. Except this is not a finished product."

        Princess Shunde smiled, "What else does he want?"

        "He needs to infuse it with the power of a demon and a demon master."

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