Chapter 15

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Layla felt a surge of power go through her as she alighted the vehicle and made her way to the front door.
She wasn't thinking straight, that's if she was thinking at all. Her pain and anger had taken over, I guess that's how it felt when certain people were being pushed too hard.

At the door, she knocked furiously just once, and it was opened to reveal Sophia in all her glory

"hello can i help you?" She sounded as official as ever covering her initial surprise

"can you help me???" Layla shot back the question
"asks the female who's chasing after a married man"

"excuse me?" Sophia retorted in disbelief while Mrs Lucasino pushed her way into the house

"are you going to deny it?? That you haven't been fucking Xaviar and parading yourself as a couple when you know he's married??? How shameless can you get!". This was enough to shut Sophia up a little.

" if that's how you see it" her response did little to aid Layla's anger

hit her Layla!
Do it!

Layla let out a chuckle as the voices nagged in her head, the audacity of this female fuelled her.
Unlocking her iPhone, she dialed her husband's number and put it on speaker

" who are you calling?" The other lady inquired giving Layla a sink eye

"who do you think?? The one thing we share in common!" She responded before Xaviar's voice came blaring out the speaking.

" say hi to your girlfriend Xaviar " She spoke up

" What are you going on about Layla "

"babe!" Sophia screamed
" She just came rushing into my home like a lunatic "

" Layla! What the fuck are y- -" She ended the call before he could say another word

" I came here cause I wanted to satisfy my curiously, find out what you had that I didn't but I realized that there's nothing really special "

"if that's the case then why's Xaviar with me and not you?" Sophia retorted

"the last time I checked, he's still married to me!" She ended before making her way out.

The drive back home was a fast one, as she sped down the road, hands clenched tightly on the steering, heart beating fast and sweat prickling down her now scowled face, that pent up anger still buried deep within her, searched for an exit. If Sophia had somehow underestimated Layla's capabilities at that moment of rage, She would have lived to regret her action for the rest of her life.

Parking the car, she shot the door and moved to the house totally avoiding the numerous questions, Blanc was bombarding her.

In the confindes of her room she rushed into the shower and let the the cold liquid seep through her every being, washing away every trace of the fury she had felt earlier
She had won this fight against her demons, she hadn't given them the satisfaction they needed, the destruction they fought so hard for.
The voices still lingered deep down, fighting to ignite that little trace of disorder Layla had but her will power already won the battle for today.
Maybe next time she would get to hit Sophia unconscious with a stick or maybe she would give them the satisfaction of strangling her to death.

I lay unmoving on the king-sized bed, staring at ceiling, it had somehow gotten my attention and something about it seemed so fascinating. I guess it was the way the chandelier stood alone, it somehow reminded me of life, of my marriage, of my stance with Xaviar.
There was a short knock at the door pulling me away from my trance, it was pushed open and Blanc's face popped in, his body hidden away from my view.

"Is something wrong?" I inquired

"no signora" He replied with eyes flickering to the closet and back at me
"uhm, you missed lunch should I have it brought you "

"no I don't think I can stomach anything right now. I just want to be left alone "

"alright signora" blanc replied before taking his leave.

My eyes went to closet and for the first time since I returned from my rendezvous I realized the mess that lay there before had been arranged. Blanc was obviously behind it.
sometimes I wondered what I would have done without him, he had grown on me, like more of a friend than a guard.

"LAYLA! WTF WAS THE MEANING OF THAT STUNT YOU PULLED!" My nightmare was back to rain down sorrow

"can you stop raising your voice" I stated as I nonchalantly maintained my position

"WHY DID YOU GO TO HER HOUSE LAYLA! che ti ha dato l'audacia!"
(who gave you the audacity)

"I took the audacity myself Xaviar!" This time I was standing to give him a reply.

What did he mean by the audacity??
I should be the one asking who give him the audacity to cheat and humiliate me.
Was he mistaking my silence with stupidity???

"I've had enough of you Xaviar and how you go about humiliating me! You have no respect for me and I'm fucking tired of it! This marriage would take a turn my own way from now onwards!" I ranted

"is that so?" He smirked maliciously
"I see you've grown some balls wifey "

" are you tired?? Of cheating?? Of embarrassing yourself uncontrollably??" I shot at him

"Don't push me Layla!!!"

" no for real Xaviar.. Are you a child?? You can't control your carnal needs??? Or is that you don't understand the concept of marriage??? Are you that dumb??"

"ENOUGH!!!!" He roared as his fingertips decorated my cheeks once again

unconsciously staggering backwards I held the side table for balance

"you hit me cause of a girl?? Cause of another woman??"
At this point I realized there was no redemption for my husband.

"you say I embarrass you but you went to another females house! YOU FUCKING WENT THERE FOR WHAT!! WHY!!! CAUSE I REFUSED TO GO ON A STUPID VACATION WITH YOU???!"

"IT'S NOT ONLY ABOUT THE VACATION XAVIAR!!! IT'S ALSO ABOUT THE CHILD GROWING IN MY WOMB!! THE CHILD YOU PUT THERE!!" My voice matched his tune as I gave out an information I had been withholding

"sei incinta??" His demeanor changing immediately
(you're pregnant??)

       "two weeks gone" She nodded in affirmation

" and Is that reason enough to go to my woman's house??"

"What??? Did you not listen to me?I'm carrying your child Xaviar!!
Is this the sort of environment you want for him or her??? With such toxicity??"

"ti ho chiesto di tenere il bambino Layla?" His face held no emotions as he let out his thoughts.
(Did I ask you to keep the child Layla?)

    it felt like the earth shook when I assimilated his words.

    "you don't want me to keep our child?"
I felt my eyes begin to sting with unshed tears

     "it's like you said Layla. It's not right bringing a child to a toxic environment "

      "Then why can't we make it better, I didn't make this child on my own Xaviar"

"exactly! It's part of me, meaning I'm entitled to an opinion! "

        "w-what opinion i-is that-t" my voice sounded so weak out of dread for my husband's reply

      "non voglio il bambino"
(I do not want the baby)

      "but - b-but Babe, wh-hen we were dating this was all you wanted, -you wanted a c-child and no- -"

    "That was in the past Layla! Right now I'm not ready for such responsibilities! Get an abortion or something, I don't know!" He walked away from the bedroom, leaving me to ponder on his words.

I knew better now, I had finally realized this version of Xaviar wasn't the one I met and fell in love with, this version of Xaviar wasn't mine, rather it was Sophia 's version.

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