Chapter 21

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Layla Sat still with the glass firmly in her hold as she stared at the wailing child. She was absent-minded as memories swarm through her head.
She recalled the day she had woken at the hospital. Kay was sited by her side with her head resting on the small hospital bed, she could remember how her friend clutch onto her hand tightly as if she would disappear at any moment.
The minute Kay raised her face to notice her awoken friend she screamed in excitement as tears decorated her sleepy eyes. The rest they say was history.

Her mind wanders to when the doctor had told her she lost the baby. She couldn't describe the feeling. Was there anything worst than guilt, regret, and shame?? That was how she felt. She was a weakling. She couldn't be strong for a child then and neither could she do that now. She didn't deserve them. She didn't deserve any of these beautiful babies God had blessed her with. Her negligence made her lose one before birth and now she was about to abandon another.

It was all his fault

Xaviar had ruined her beyond repair. She ponders on the day she was discharged from the hospital. She remembers as he appeared before her as she was being wheeled into the vehicle. She remembers seeing his distraught face, she remembered his teary eyes as he took in the sight of her.

"I don't know what happened Layla but I know I'm to blame. I should have never let them cloud my thinking and judgment" that was all she could say to her before Kay and her Parents angrily sent him away. The press taking pictures of the unfolding drama before them.

She couldn't play dumb, she knew exactly what or who Xaviar meant when he said "them". It was his family. They were the cause of her failed marriage.
Although she couldn't give him her forgiveness, she decided to give herself a chance. A chance to survive, to push through, live and experience life to the fullest or so she thought.

A year after the excruciating events she had begun working on herself. She began therapy, trying her best to heal the destroyed part of her. Now she understood why they said physical scars heal faster than unseen scars. She knew she was hurting, she knew she was broken but she didn't know what exactly was broken in her.
Was it her heart??

Her mind??

Her body??

Or her soul??

What exactly desperately needed fixing within her? What exactly did Xaviar take along with him??

Although she had successfully avoided everything concerning Xaviar, got a job, and tried to move on, she found herself calling for him in her dreams, she found herself waking up to his name on her lips and tear-drenched pillow. All her efforts seemed in vain each time she found herself crying. She remembers Kay always running to her aid, questioning her on what the problem was but even she had no answer.

"I don't know, I just feel empty. I'm tired, Kay"

"what're you tired of?" Her friend always enquired but she would in turn reply


Whatever had gone wrong in her needed fixing before she would go insane.

While she depreciated every day over a man who wasn't even worth it, Xaviar had somewhat moved on, after all, he had a wife and son.

Tears stream down her eyes as she thought of her husband, Nikolas Valzar. Meeting him was one of the best things that happened to her. He knew she was broken but loved her endlessly and tried hard to fix her, to show her how much of an amazing woman she is, how Xaviar was a jerk for losing her but that too wasn't enough for her cause she felt the man she had lost was her soulmate. A year after their marriage and they were blessed with the prettiest daughter who was currently crying her eyes out in her crib. Sadly the two months old baby wasn't enough reason for her to stay alive as she couldn't understand what she had lacked to make him choose another. That broken part of her remained unfixed. It was beyond repair. If she was being truthful to herself she desperately wanted to use Nickolas as a replacement. She wanted him as a tool to forget about the man who had her heart.

Layla gives one last thought to the roller-coaster life she had lived. From her joy to sadness, pain, destruction, hope, and now maybe she would finally be at peace. If there was a way she could prevent all those misfortunes from coming her way she would have taken it without a second thought but then again, we can't prevent what we can't predict.

she picks up the glass and presses it against her lips preparing herself for what she was about to do, tears decorate her cheeks as the thought of her daughter passes through her mind. In as much as a part of her wanted to live on for the little girl, a larger side of her made it known she was aiding her daughter from meeting such a weak frail mother.
What good would that be?

She gives off a breath closing her eyes and prepares to gulp the drink that would end her life.
Instantly, the doors to the bedroom are pushed open as a heavily breathing Nickolas storms in. He felt something was wrong, he could tell from the phone call she had made to him. His sudden appearance had stopped her actions.
His gaze wanders from his profusely crying daughter to his wife and the glass held up to her lips then lastly to the bottle on the table. He knew perfectly well what she was about to do.
He knew Layla was a time-ticking bomb waiting to go off but a part of him had hoped he had diffused it. He hoped he had healed whatever part her ex-husband had destroyed. Sure he wasn't as powerful as Xaviar Lucasino but he was equally wealthy. He had given her anything she asked for. He was also available for her emotionally in a way her ex-husband never was. What more did she want from him?

"Layla! what are you doing?!" He asked refusing to believe his love and their daughter wasn't enough reason for his wife to want to fight to live for happiness

"Nickol-l-as I- I'm so sorry" She whispers weakly.

With tears rolling down her red eyes, The broken female takes a drink from the glass hoping to find peace where she was headed.

The end.

Hello, lovelies,

We have officially come to the end of "Dolore di Layla". This book was a rollercoaster ride.
I began this book in January 2020 and hoped to finish it that same year but sadly my dad passed on and that sort of affected my writing for some months. I finally pulled myself together and continued writing again but then I had to deal with my college final exams and after that, I had to deal with NYSC and work.
I hope Y'all enjoyed the ride along with me, there were a lot of times I wrote chapters while crying profusely just because it was the only way I knew how to express my feelings. I'm grateful we have finally come to an end of this journey.
Also, you guys should anticipate a new book I started working on early this year "The Assassin's Tale", it'll be uploaded soon.
I love Y'all so so much and thank you for all the love "Dolore di Layla" received.
Btw don't forget "dolore di layla" means "Layla's pain"

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