Chapter 1

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"Layla, how re you?" Nickolas finally picked up after she had begun thinking he wouldn't.

       Her heart sunk on hearing his voice, she couldn't bring herself to tell him the reason she had called, that's if she had a firm reason for calling in the first place.  All she knew was she needed to hear her husbands voice one last time to see if he could in some way fill up the void that was eating her up alive.

      "Ni-c-k I-" a sob raked through her stopping her from completing whatever sentence she intended to make

     "Babe are you crying?!? Is something wrong???!!"
Anxiety clear in his tone and that was exactly what Layla hated. She hated how she made her husband stressed out with her many mental breakdowns.
Wiping her tears and taking in a breath of air., she tried pulling herself together

      "I'm f-fine"

"Are you sure Layla?? Cause you don't sound real good. Listen I'll be done soon with work okay, I'll be home before you know it " 

     "No! It's fine really. I just wanted to hear from you" She quickly objected

   "hmm" Nickolas hummed clearly not buying his wifes excuse.

       "I love you Layla and it hurts me when you get this way. I promise I've got you forever "

    "I know Nick, thank you for being patient with me. I'm aware of the fact that I'm a total handful "She spoke after a few seconds. Her words getting a chuckle from her husband.

       "You're the best Layla and I couldn't ask for better. I'll be home soon okay, give my daughter a kiss. Papi loves you both " happiness conveyed clearly in his words.

       "We love you too Papi" She replied before hanging up.

Whatever little happiness she had gotten from that call had immediately vanished the moment the cell phone was placed on her table.
     Her eyes glanced to the glass of water and the empty bottle of poison at its side.
Shutting her eyes, she picked up the cell phone and dialed a second number

         After the second beep, his gruff voice rang on the other end of the call
"si, who am I speaking with "

    Her heart thudded sharply in her chest on hearing his voice, he would always have that effect on her.

      "Don't waste my time, I have important things to do " He spoke on obviously irritated at her silence

     Layla's lips quivered in what seemed like an attempt to make a sentence but rather she hung up the call after seconds of utter silence.

    The pretty little bundle of joy begun crying in her crib immediately Layla picked up the glass of water,
it was as if she was aware of her mother's obnoxious  intentions.


   Nicholas Valzar, the CEO of Valzar enterprises had met and gotten married to Layla the love of his life two years ago.
    The twenty four year old petite female with ebony eyes and hair considered herself totally basic, wondering what had attracted Nickolas to her.
       Although his friends were strongly against it saying she was crazy and what not, that wasn't enough to persuade Nick from fulfilling his heart desires. He was very aware of what she had been through, I mean almost everyone was aware of her misery but her husband took it as a duty to change whatever pain or suffering she had been going through when they met.

         Layla was very uncertain at first, she had hurriedly agreed to this marriage all in the bid of forgetting him, the main cause of her pain and humiliation but as each day passed by, she found the ache and emptiness creep more in her and suddenly Nick's love wasn't enough anymore.

     The female would have mental breakdowns and anxiety episodes from time to time causing Nick to stay at home tending to his wife just to keep her happy but was that enough for her??.
It got to the point where she would lock herself up in their bedroom all day crying without any particular reason, seeing his wife in such a state broke him deeply, not once did Nickolas show this pain rather he stayed strong beside her through it all.

  Layla begun going for therapy after much persuasion from her husband but stopped when they got blessed with their daughter Avery, a year ago.
       This was the best news for the couple especially  Layla. In her opinion God had pity on her pain and gave her a reason to live

Like always, her happiness was short lived. Suddenly Avery wasn't enough, her daughter was unable to fill the void in her heart and soul. She wasn't able to hold her daughter for a long time in her arms nor was she able to have little mother and child moments. This led her to get a maid who would look after her Child's needs even at such a young age. Nobody was able to fill the void He had left when he shattered her heart.

          she couldn't seem to place a finger on what she had done to deserve it,  he promised her the world which she gladly fell for and her heart kept making excuses everytime he hurt her. she had given him her all, heart, soul and body but somehow it wasn't enough for him

     Her head knew she was doing the right thing being married to Nickolas but her heart, soul and body kept aching for what she once had and lost, her heart kept longing for Xaviar Lucasino - the man who ripped her heart out and took it along with him.


Hey Y'all,
Yess I've officially begun a new book after Queen Aimee. I hope Y'all will love it.
I'll be updating regularly also the same way I did with Queen Aimee so please don't leave the book half way.
Also remember I'm not Italian so there might be few mistakes here and there.
Contrustive criticism is allowed, contributions also. Please bare with me a little, I know the beginning is kinda boring but I promise you it'll get better as the book progresses.

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I love Y'all so much and thank you for your support on Queen Aimee❤️.

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