Chapter 11

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    "This is the Entertainment news and I am Hailey." The Chestnut haired journalist flashed a smile before continuing.

         "Xaviar Lucasino spotted again with his suspected model lover, Sophia Andrews." This headline had been on the Entertainment world for a while now.

  "The duo were seen yet again walking out a restaurant hand in hand before they were whisked away in Mr Lucasino private car. This has sparked a lot of comments from the public." Layla gives off an anxiety sigh before she switched of the television.

          it had been everywhere for a while now. Her husband pranced about Sophia. For all she knew he had gotten himself a model mistress. It wasn't a surprise to her though. They were a perfect fit, billionaire businessman and his model mistress whereas she was just a boring house wife from an average family.

       As expected, there were tabloids about it, the stories were a little bit exaggerative in Layla's opinion. Stories went on about Xaviar divorcing his boring wife to be with the hot model, others said it was because Sophia was expecting Xaviar's child while others just tagged Layla as a failure in marriage.

glancing through her Instagram, a particular post stopped her action making her cringe..
   "may the best female win" the caption read along with an edited picture of she and Sophia clinging on both sides of Xaviar who stood proudly at the middle.

   This was an embarrassment, she couldn't believe how far the public had taken out their time to make embarrassing stuffs about her. They were seriously casting lots on who would win Xaviar?
He was already her husband, what more did they need. Surely they didn't expect her to fight for what belonged to her.

What she couldn't understand was why Xaviar had decided to disgrace her but then a reasonable part of her conscience reminded her that men tend to embarrass females. 

       Few more hours of sulking in bed, She headed for a relaxing shower, dinner would be set soon and her husband would eventually come home.

The feeling of warm water on her skin was enough to ease her worries, at that moment she just focused on herself as she sang in the shower

Stepping out of the warmth from the water, images of Xaviar and the blonde bimbo flashed through her mind and her heart thudded painfully. It felt like being stabbed in the chest but this time it wasn't a physical pain.

A stray tear ran down her cheek. Layla had been trying so hard to remain strong, she had tried so hard to remain optimistic.
She desperately wanted to believe Xaviar wouldn't choose another over her, she desperately wanted to believe she was more than enough for him

But that was false

He wanted another and it wasn't her, it would never be her. How unfortunate she was to not see this sooner.

Her hand touched the fogged mirror which held her reflection. She took a deep look at herself like it had been the first time she had ever seen herself.

  "You are more than enough for anyone Layla " the words slowly made its way out of her lips. This words were uttered to convince herself of her worth.

      Her hands dramatically went to her chest like she had been suddenly shot, her invisible barrier was broken at this point and she let the tears out shamelessly.

     That was one thing males didn't understand. Each time they cheated on a female they claimed they loved, they broke her.
They make her doubt her self worth, they shatter whatever self-esteem the female had and that was exactly how Layla felt as she stood crying her eyes out before the mirror.

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