Chapter 7

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I felt light taps on my arm, turning around I tried searching for who had touched me but failed miserably.


There it was again, the faint voice and cold fingertips against my skin but I still couldn't find who it belonged to.


This time around it felt like I was pulled away from the peaceful garden I was in, air filled my lungs and I was gilted away from the short slumber I had fallen into.

"you should go to bed signora, you would get aches from sleeping on the couch" Blanc spoke helping me up from where I had previously occupied.

Yes, my favorite guard was finally back. About five days ago, he was discharged from the hospital after the doctor had confirmed he had totally recovered. Xaviar wasted no further time in making him get back to work as my guard.

In the other part of the recent happenings, Xaviar and I still haven't sorted out whatever issue we had. Rather than trying to work things out between us he preferred avoiding me everyday. Although I somehow managed to go along with the whole avoiding each other charade as it seemed to bring peace in our home, I was dying to talk with him, to make up with him. I was dying to make things work between us. It was obvious the Lucasino staff were fully aware of the unhealthy relationship between us, I had on several occasions over heard them commenting on the rumors they had heard.

"What's the time?" I inquired as he led the way up the fleet of stairs

"12am signora"

"he's not coming home tonight, is he?"

"I can't say, I wasn't informed on that "He replied as we reached the door.

"Get some sleep mia regina. I'll be right here if you need anything "

Offering a weak smile, I shut the door behind me and moved to the bed. I put off the light and welcomed the darkness as my body touched the bed I had once found comfort in. The bedroom felt empty as my hands slowly glazed Xaviar's side of the bed which lacked his warmth, as a matter of fact, our home lacked the warmth that came along with my husband.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, a figure walked in and the sent of a foreign perfume engulfed the bedroom. The lights flickered on before I got the chance of asking if it was a maid.

"Xaviar" I whispered to myself in disbelief. He reeked of a foreign female perfume and nothing like his normal expensive male cologne.

Something fishing was going on and I would get to the bottom of it.

without giving it much thought I stood up from the bed and walked towards him blocking his path as he was heading to the bathroom

"Where are you coming from?"I demanded

He on the other hand tried to manover me but I stood firm still blocking his path

"Where are you coming from Xaviar?!"

"Get out of my way Layla " he said lowly

"Or what?!?" I held my ground.

His face twitched as veins of anger popped out signaling how provoked he was by my actions but I couldn't care less

"Don't make me repeat myself wifey " He strained out

"Where are you coming from at a time like this Xaviar and why do you reek of female perfume! You man whore!!" I screamed

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