Chapter 17

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   The birds chirped loudly, singing their melodies as daylight engulfed humans in its beauty but Layla wasn't part of this, she wasn't one of those to behold such beauty and enjoy the sounds of the birds chirping happily.
      There at the apartment she shared with her best friend, Layla lay suffocated by her grief, its hard hands claps wickedly around her frail neck and she did not attempt to save herself.
She blinks twice as silent tears roll down her eyes decorating her already stained cheeks. Layla wasn't one to cry in the presence of people, She hated letting people see her pain, hated giving them the perception of her weakness or making them see how clingy she could get when her heart got involved in matters. Letting people see you in your moment of weakness sometimes gives them power over you.

        "Layla??? You awake yet??" Kay's voice rang through the room as she knocked briefly at the door to her friends' room.

        "Lay???" She called out again when she got no response the first time.

Rather than wait for a response this time, she pushes the door and walks in. Her mood immediately turning sour as she took in the state of her friend tenderly. Heartbreak could fuck a person up mentally and physically, Layla just happened to be a lab rat on this particular experiment. Since she had returned home three days ago, her grief-stricken room had been her only consolation, it had become a sort of fortress keeping her safe from every attack her enemies had In store for her. At first, Kay had respected her privacy but now on the third day, it was getting unhealthy in her opinion.

      Sitting on the bed, she places Layla's head on her lap, her fingers intertwined in her locks as she caresses her hurting friend.
    "I'm so sorry you're going through this sorella "

         "Where did I go wrong?? Where was I lacking???" Hot tears ran down her face, decorating Kay's pajamas shorts

     "you weren't lacking anything Layla, he's just stupid to not realize that "

More tears rolled down her eyes before a sob broke out. Maybe if she was able to express how she felt the pain would stop, maybe if she found a way to convey her emotions it would stop eating her up alive.

     "Shhh, please don't cry anymore" Kay cooed quietly in a failed attempt to aid her friend

     "It just hurts so much! Here right here Kay, it hurts so bad!" She dramatically places her hand on her chest, trying to pinpoint where her heart felt like it would rip out any moment.

     The pain was something no human could exactly explain. It had a way of dealing with even the best of us, it had a way of making one weak, it had a way of messing with one's mind and leaving them as fragments of what they once were.
Kay watched her best friend helpless as she cried her heart out, with no way to comfort her pain, she holds the female in her embrace as she whispered soothing promises to her. A promise to never let her, to always be here even when it felt like everyone had abandoned her, she needed Layla to remember she'd always have her.
Minutes of nothing but sheer agony, the broken female slowly drifted off to a peaceful slumber. That was after all the only place she had a little bit of peace, at these moments where her mind swam in an ocean of nothingness she was able to keep her thoughts at bay, the fewer thoughts she had, the less pain she had.

The next time I became aware of my environment, the sun had already set. My eyes stung painfully from the number of tears I had shed previously and I could feel the slight tingle of an upcoming headache. Just as I sat up, Kay came barging in like she had put a bell around my neck to alert her when I have awoken.

"Hey, you're finally awake" She strode in
"let's go have dinner"

"I think I'll pass, don't feel like " I dismissed, momentarily closing my eyes.
My best friend in return, sat on the bed quietly as she stared at me, her eyes holding the look I had been receiving a lot lately -pity.
I hated it! I hated being pitied.

"Well, I'm not taking no for an answer Layla!" She reprimanded, pulling me along with her as she rose to her feet.

"do it for the baby!"
She shuts me up just as I was about to whine.
In as much as I wanted to disagree, Kay was right, I had to be strong for my child. My husband may not want me anymore and he might try tainting whatever memories we had together but much to his disliking, a part of him was stuck with me, a part of him was currently growing within me. The thought of that gave me a certain feeling of completion which I lacked a few minutes ago.

Hello Lovelies,
I'm so sorry for going ghost on you guys for a while. I'm sure a lot of you have already given up on this book, even I gave up at some point.
I was experiencing a writer's block and that explains why this chapter is this short which I'm very sorry about. I promise the next chapter would be more detailed!
On a different note, I graduated college!!!!!! Yaayyyy!!!
All I need now is a sweet guy and I'll get married LOL!!
Anyways don't forget to vote, leave your comments and suggestions also.
Love Y'all ❤️

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