14. maturity

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My head rolls back, Nick and I's laughter filling the empty music studio. I placed my hand on my chest and sat back up, sighing and pretending to wipe tears from under my eyes. Our laughs eventually fade away and I look back down at the photo of his girlfriend on his phone. 

We were supposed to be writing more lyrics or at least cleaning up what we already had, but... we got a little distracted.

Our conversations went from our childhood to relationships, to how he can hear his girlfriend, Mandy, sing some of his songs in the shower. Nick honestly doesn't think she knows he can hear her, which makes all of it even more hilarious.

"She hits the high notes and everything" Nick laughed out, making me giggle in a lower tone. I hand him the phone and lean back in the comfortable chair. 

I nudge my head up. "You ever gonna tell her you know?" I smile mischievously. 

He shakes his head "no", biting his lower lip. "I'm afraid that if I do, it all stops. I want to enjoy these little concerts she puts up for me without even realizing it." 

A bubbly laugh rolls off my tongue and I shut my eyes before looking up at the ceiling to catch my breath. 

At first, when both Nick and I were introduced to this whole plan, I wasn't too sure he and I were gonna get along well. From what I could assume, he was just as into this whole thing as Lea was. Little did I know, he had no idea what she had made him do.

I'm glad him and I see eye to eye, not only that, but I would probably consider us decent friends now. Lea and the rest of her team have been locking us up in rooms together in hopes that we get actual work done, only for us to come out with barely any lyrics but a shit ton of funny stories. 

We've messed around with the equipment, came up with stupid songs instead of the one we were supposed to perform, and told each other stories from our childhood.
From what he's told me, he grew up with his mom and two sisters in San Diego. He was a total loner in school and then peaked during his junior year when all the girls found out he could play the guitar and piano. Nick moved up to LA with his youngest sister once she was done school and he met Mandy not too long after. Sadly, they're relationship started around the same time as his career and he was told to keep it a secret considering he'd lose a lot of fans if they found out he had a girlfriend.

Even with all the rules the public eye came with, they made it work and they've been together for a while now. He said that he wants the world to know who she is whenever he decides to propose, but for now, he's gotta deal with it.

Oh, and his middle name is George.
Nicholas George Foster.

"Oh..." Nick breathed out, happy with the thought of Mandy on his mind. "Brook, these moments are the best. Whenever you find that special someone... you never want to let go of them."

A soft smile pulls at my lips as I lower my head to look at him. "Yeah..." I nod "I know. I've felt it all before"

His brows furrow, yet his smile still remained. He seemed shocked, maybe even insulted that I haven't talked about it yet. "Care to elaborate?" Nick leaned back, genuinely curious.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders. "There's not much to elaborate on"

We look at one another for a moment and gradually, his expression softens. "He's the guy from the songs, isn't he?"

I let out a slightly forced and breathy laugh, trying not to let the bitterness take control of the memories. But, eventually, I nod my head and look down at my lap. "Yeah" I mutter.

"Well, tell me about him!" He exclaims, excited. "Not the break up or whatever happened, just the shit you miss"

I chuckle at his words. "Well," I start, looking around the room as if it would help with remembering everything. Even though I knew damn well they never left my mind in the first place. "He always acted super scary, and mysterious but... he was the biggest sweetheart. I remember the first time I heard him laugh-- like genuinely laugh-- god, I couldn't stop smiling for the rest of the day." A smile starting tugging at the corner of my lips as I spoke. "And, he had three younger brothers so... he was automatically great with kids. My sister was 14 at the time and she's always been very... extra, but, he managed to keep up. It was sweet hearing them talk about suits and how to ask me to the dance... he was always really good with that kind of stuff..."

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