30. happy new years.

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I wrote this chapter with an epic montage style in mind. 
So put some kick ass music on and enjoy.

- yours truly

Once the end credits rolled around, Andrea sighed and sat up from hers and Harrison's hotel bed. She pulled the thick, fluffy, white comforter from off her legs and swung them around, groaning because of how big her belly had become.

"I'm gonna go take a quick shower. I feel gross" She said lightheartedly. He took another handful of popcorn from the bag and nodded, asking what she wanted to watch next. She shrugged her shoulders and told him to pick for her.

With a nod of his head, he clicked off the movie they just finished and began scrolling through Netflix while she made her way to the bathroom, her right hand resting on her lower back. She stopped right in front of the door and closed her eyes, letting out deep breaths to manage the stabbing pain in her lower stomach.

Haz noticed this and put the remote down. Worry gradually began coursing through his veins as he watched her inhale and exhale loudly. "Are you okay?" He asked from the bed, ready to jump out if she ever needed everything.

She nodded and threw him a thumbs up. "I'm good. Yeah, I'm okay." Andrea walked into the bathroom but kept the door open.

"Another contraction?" He asked her from the bed. 

"Yeah" She answered. "Our doctor said we should start timing them but we're still a few days early so--" 

Harrison waited for her to finish her sentence or for the shower to start, but neither came. Confused and a little worried, he looked up at the light shining into the hall and waited a few more seconds before calling for her again. "Andy? Everything okay?"

He waited a bit and eventually got out of bed. Haz walked to the hall and in front of the door where Andrea stood. She looked at herself in the mirror, her face blank. "Andrea?" He asked, wondering what she was looking at.

"Hm?" She turned to him as if she couldn't hear him the first time.

"Are you okay? Do you need anything?"

"Oh, yeah I'm fine..." She nodded, looking down at her feet. He frowned. "My water just broke though." 

Harrison's eyes widened. Finally, he looked down at her wet shorts and felt his heart sink in his chest. "Oh... Oh! Oh! Oh my god! Okay, uh..." He looked around him, panicking because they were still a week early.

He started by running to his bag but came running right back to his girlfriend. He gently grabbed her hand and led her back into the room. "Do you think the cleaning lady will mind?" Andrea asked calmly.

"I uh, I don't know. Here, let me help you. Sit down or something" He said, helping her back to the bed. He quickly grabbed a pair of sweats from his bag and kneeled down in front of her.

"I can put pants on, Haz. Go grab my phone, I wanna call Brook."

/ / /

Brooklyn tilted her head back so it could rest against the seat. She held onto her stomach tightly, wincing at the throbbing pain in her side. She lift her shirt up, hoping the bandages would stick even with everything going on. 

"Fuck..." She breathed out, looking back up at the busy parking lot in front of her. After pulling her shirt back down, she turned the keys and shut the car off. 

Only moments before she was ready to jump out the car, her phone began to rang. It connected to Bluetooth almost immediately so, the familiar ringtone began ringing through the car speakers instead. She grabbed her phone from the passenger seat and smiled at the sight of Tom's picture on the screen.

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