Chapter 13

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The next day came and Adrian felt warm and flushed. He crawled out of bed before Emmaline could see him. His head was pounding and his joints seemed to stiffen up. He found a little notebook, and with blurry vision wrote that he would be gone for a few hours. He grabbed his phone and called a person he never thought he would talk to again.

"Hello?" The slight Russian accent gave him chills.

"Anastasia. I need your help." He prayed she wouldn't hang up at the sound of his voice.

"Adrian?!" She paused. "What the hell have you done now?"

"I need you to take me to Nazkabah."

"Why on earth do you need to go there? What have you done?"

"I'll explain on the way. Will you help me?"

"Fine." The line cut off. Even without asking, he knew where to find her: Peter's Pub.

After 20 minutes of driving, he saw the rundown sign letting him know he arrived. Everything still looked the same as it did 50 some years years ago. He pulled his collar up hiding the bite and with a deep breath walked in. Their last encounter didn't go to well.

He spotted her right away. She never changed. Still with the sleek black hair,  profound cheek bones, and black beady eyes.

"Adrian, if memory serves me correct. I said the next time I see you, I'd kill you." He shuddered. He clearly remembered those exact words.

"Anastasia, that was a mistake."

"A mistake that got my girlfriend killed." 

It was safe to say Anastasia still hated him.

"Listen. I was bit and I need to find a cure." He lowered his collar and showed her.

"Let's go." She sighed and motioned him to follow her as she walked to the back of the pub to an old wooden door. Behind that door was one of the most dangerous places in the supernatural world. It was like the black market but worse. People sold curses, literal body parts, and more. With every curse though, there has to be a cure.

She said a quick spell and the door magically opened and they stepped through. It was like a portal and soon, they were no longer in the pub, but on a gloomy, cobblestone path. With dinky shops lining the path.

"No matter what, stay with me." She warned. "Clementines shop is on the end. She provides curses and I'm sure cures. She might have anti wolf venom. If not you're out of luck."

"That always nice to hear."

As they walked they heard an old man chanting, "heart, tongues, and liver now 20% off"

"That's disgusting." Adrian muttered.

"Oh, but yet sucking blood out of the vein isn't?" Anastasia grimaced.

"You know I wasn't in my right state of mind then. I won't try to justify my actions, but I am very sorry!"

In 1967 Adrian found Peter's Pub on a late fall night. His father was brokering deals and him and Jackson were hungry. After a few drinks of cheap liquor they saw two young ladies sitting at the bar.

In the haze of his bloodlust he walked up to them. One girl had the blackest eyes he had ever seen and the other had emerald.

"My brother. He just went outside, I think he was allergic to something" he had said. "Can you please help?" The girl with the emerald eyes was still in her nurses uniform, so he knew she would take the bait. She looked over to black eyes and said that she would be right back. Adrian'a plan had worked. As soon as they stepped out in the chilly darkness he attacked his prey. He knew when to quit but Jackson didn't. She soon fell lifeless in his arms.

Black eyes came out and saw the gruesome sight. She fell to her knees and sobbed. Yet Adrian and Jackson were long gone by that point.

A few days after Adrian was with his father attending the meeting. Low and behold Black Eyes and her father come in. It turned out they were part of the Crimson Coven. Very powerful in Germany.

As soon as they locked eyes he knew that she knew. With a flick of her wrist she flung him to the wall and threatened that the next time she saw him, he would be dead.

Turns out that didn't happen.

"Yunno, I found out she was cheating on me afterwards."

"Well cheaters get what they deserve." He answered. Maybe that's why she didn't kill him.

They made it to Clementines and he was told to wait outside, as vampires were well liked in there.

He stood outside of the shop and looked around. It reminded him a little bit of Diagon Alley in Harry Potter, but this was much creepier. A man with an eye patch stared him down. He immediately looked away what something caught his eyes.

A girl.

A girl in a black hooded cape, who looked all to familiar to him was standing in line at a shop called Markus's Meat Market. Something told Adrian it wasn't normal meat, but more organs.

He brown curled hair flowed perfectly in the wind, and her small hand grasped a wooden basket.

It was Emmaline. But how? And why? She had no business here, especially not buying organs. It was impossible.

She looked over her shoulder and saw him staring. They locked eyes for a few seconds until Anastasia came out of the shop.

"You're in luck. All you have to do is drink this and it should work. Apparently it tastes horrible, but you have to make sure you swallow every drop."

By the time he looked back in the girls direction she was gone.

"What's the matter? You should be happy. This is a one in a million cure."

"It's nothing. Thank you Anastasia."

He took the cure and soon they parted ways. But he couldn't get that girl out of his mind. Who was she?

A/N: It's about to get juicy....👀

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2021 ⏰

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