Chapter 10

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Emmaline was running as fast as she could through the dense trees. Her heartbeat going one million miles per hour. Just a little bit farther, she could almost taste the freedom. She could hear the howls in the distance, and feel her body literally breaking. What did they do to her?

She dropped in an instant, a piercing scream ripping through the forest....

Earlier that day

"Where are we going?" Em whimpered as her captor roughly dragged her through rugged terrain. She assumed they were in the dense woods by now.

Why hasn't Adrian come for her yet? Did he seriously not know she was missing?

"Who are you? I promise I'm innocent!" She exclaimed after she received no answer to her first question.

"Please! You're anything but innocent.... Emmaline." The strange man scoffed her name.

"Okay! Maybe not innocent... I did steal a candy bar when I was seven. And I lied to my mom saying I didn't feel good so I didn't have to do the de-" the rude man cut her off.

"Just shut the fuck up already!" He barked.

Emmaline huffed in response. She locked her legs and went dead weight in the mans arms, hopefully making this harder for him to take her.

The man grunted in response but even at this, he didn't struggle.

"Please!" Em whimpered, a lone tear falling from her cheek as the helplessness of her situation really sank in.

After what felt like 3 hours of being carried, Em was able to hear signs of other human life. She could hear little kids cheering and screaming in glee. She could hear what sounded like their parents holding tense conversations. She could hear whispers about her?

"That's the princess?" One woman asked.

"It can't be! She looks pathetic!" Another asked.

'Okay bitch, when you get kidnapped then we'll talk' Emmaline thought. What did she look like right now?

She could only imagine her covered in sweat, with weak tears dried on her cheeks. Her hair a mess and her clothes torn.

She was roughly tossed into another man.

"You're not what I expected." The raspy voice thought out loud. He brushed her long, straight brown hair off her sweat covered forehead.

"I'm so sorry to be a disappointment." She countered. She never considered herself to be gorgeous, but these people just made her confidence drop to a new low. What was wrong with her? More importantly, who the hell are these people to judge. They literally just kidnapped her for crying out loud.

"Oh sweetheart, I don't care what you look like.... you're just bait." Her blood froze. Bait for Adrian?  "Put her in the cells. I'll tend to her later." She heard several footsteps come closer to her, before she was dragged to a damp and cold place.

The cells evidently.

She was tossed into a concrete cell, before her blindfold was taken off. It took a few seconds before her sight adjusted to the dimly lit room. She looked up towards the extremely tall, and very chiseled man before her.

"The alpha will be down shortly. We just notified him of your arrival." Although he was attractive, his voice sent chilling shivers down Emmaline's spine.

"Will he hurt me?" She questioned in fear of what's to come.

"I'm not sure what he'll do... he's very unpredictable right now." The mysterious way he said it made her question why an Alpha would be unpredictable.

In her younger days she would read book after book about werewolf fiction. Maybe it wasn't fiction after all....

However, the Alpha is supposed to be the leader of the pack. He is supposed to be reliable and trusted within the pack. Ruling by his side is the Luna.

To Emmaline the Luna was even more important to the pack than the Alpha. She is the one who cares for the pack with a motherly instinct. She is the only one who is capable of putting the Alpha in place without punishment, because to him, she is his world. Just by her existence, gives the Alpha a purpose to live. Besides you can't procreate if it isn't for Females right?

The handsome man left in a hurry, leaving Emmaline there alone in a creepy unfamiliar place.

She was thinking about Adrian. Where was he? Is he okay? Was he worried about her? She was thinking about her previous life. The nerd who go into college on a full scholarship, who only had a handful of friends who most of the time were fake. Then she thought how her normal life was turned upside down by a guy who she absolutely despised at first, but now lived with her whole heart. She wondered if she would ever get to tell him how much she truly cared about him. If they would ever have a family. What it would be like to rule by his side. She wondered if she would wake up to see tomorrow.

Emmaline was ripped by her thoughts as a metal gate screeched open. She turned abruptly as a charming voice called to her.

"Emmaline! What a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance." She stared, slack jaw. Her heart was pounding out of her chest which he could surly hear. Maybe even got pleasure from.

"Allow me to introduce myself." He smirked, "my name is Alpha Jaxton."

"Why am I here?" The strength in her voice was evident. Not knowing where it came from, it almost scared her.

"Let's just say you're an important key to a marvelous old story."

"I asked a question Jaxton." She didn't bother using such an honorable title for a piece of shit, "now if you're going to kill me, then please get it over with. However if not, I expect some damn answers!" Where was this courage coming from?

"esuberante, che audace?" Jaxton spoke in a language that sounded a lot like Italian. "You're a revenge plan if you want me to be honest, it's nothing personal."

"What kind of revenge?" She was sick of these short answers.

"You're soon to be husband isn't as innocent as you might think sweetheart."

A/N: Woah two chapters in the same week?! Chapter 11 will be out to read shortly. Thank you guys so so so much for your patience with me as an author, and for all being amazing readers! I love y'all so much!!!

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