Chapter 9

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Emmaline was running as fast as she could through the dense trees. Her heartbeat going one million miles per hour. Just a little bit farther, she could almost taste the freedom that she had been lacking.

Just a little bit further. Her mind kept racing of thoughts of Adrian. He'd be okay, he has to be.

Em made the fatal mistake of looking behind her to see if anyone was following her, when she tripped on an overgrown root sticking high off the ground.

Immediately she felt the immense pain of a surly broken ankles, yet she tried to keep going as fast footsteps were beginning to come closer.

Louder. Closer. Faster. Before she knew it everything went black.

48 hours earlier

"Adrian!" Em squeaked wanting his attention.

"Trust me." He didn't have to tell her to trust him, because she already did.

"Where are we going?"

"You told me you liked bunnies." He stated with a coy smile.

"Yes I did?" She was confused. "But what does that have to do with anything?"

"You'll see babe." He winked before turning his attention back to the road.

His father had a jet black Porsche waiting for them once they exited the plane.

Adrian knew something was eating away at Em, they've been on the ground for 3 hours and she just looks like she's deep in thought about something, so he did some research and found a family business market where they sell baby bunnies to good homes so they don't go to the slaughter house. Adrian figured that she would be all for that because she doesn't believe in animal cruelty. She doesn't even like to eat meat much anymore.

He pulled into the driveway of a little, ranch styled home. He parked the sharp looking car unbuckled himself and got out, going around the car to open up Em's door for her. She took his hand with her feather like grasp and gracefully got out of the car, her sundress flowing in the slight breeze.

Adrian and her walked to the house and he rang the bell waiting for a couple seconds until an elderly lady opened up. The fresh smell of blackberry crisp hit her senses and she felt her belly grumble of hunger.

"You must be Adrian!" The old women's voice enthusiastically said.

"Ira I assume?" Adrian smiled. Em was even more confused now.

"Come in, please! I'll show you where the bunnies are!"

"Wait, bunnies?!" Em looked at Adrian, her mouth agape. She slapped him on the chest in a playful manner before jumping in his arms, while the old lady took in her reaction with a sweet smile.

Ira remembered her old days with her husband who unfortunately died two years ago in an animal attack.

Allen Cunningham was out looking for elk sheds when a wolf supposedly attacked him. When his body was found, it was a grueling sight. His heart was completely ripped out of his chest and nearly all his blood was drained. The news report devastated the whole town, and it left an even bigger whole in Ira's heart.

It made her happy to see a young couple clearly in love.

When Emmaline laid eyes on the bunny litter, it was like a kid in a candy store. However, for some odd reason the little black bunny in the corner seemed to just watch Em. It was like they both became transfixed and when she picked the bunny up, it almost scared her.

"I-I want this one." She spoke sounding like she was in a trance.

"Em are you okay?" Adrian asked her.


"You just zoned out babe." He placed a caring hand on her shoulder as she regained her composure.

"I'm fine, just tired is all." She looked at the ground. She never could look someone in the eye when she wasn't being truthful.

She felt like something was wrong.

Really wrong. It was like the black bunny was almost warning her. How ridiculous right?

"Darling, how about you go out back to get some fresh air while I pay and get the papers." Adrian saw right through her. But he didn't know why she was nervous. Was she secretly afraid of bunnies?

As Emmaline walked out the back door the little hairs on the back of her neck stood up. She hugged the little black bunny closer to her as a sharp wind cut through her making her shiver.

"Everything is fine. I'm okay. It's just stupid paranoia. I will be just f-" her mantra was cut of by a twig snapping.

Em wasn't dumb. She could feel someone's or something's eyes on her. She felt her heartbeat speed up and she was on high alert.

For some reason she felt compelled to look at the bunny and as she did she heard an almost childlike, yet mature, voice say, "Run. Go as fast as you can" the bunny looked at her one last time before jumping out of her arms and speeding to the tree line.

She began to hear howls coming from the distance. This was all it took for her to sprint to the car.

How come Adrian couldn't hear this? Surely he'd be right out there for her.

She ran as fast as she could to the car, but like every cliche, she tripped over root. The howls were getting closer. By the time she got up; it was too late.

Adrian looked out the glass doors and saw nothing except for the bunny by itself. Why would Em leave the bunny alone? Why couldn't he hear anything?

"What's going on?" He turned to look at the old lady, who now wore a creepy grin.

"Oh dear! You look so confused, it's almost funny." Before he could speak the woman morphed into a figure that looked almost exactly like Em.

"What the hell?" He was at a loss for words.

"I guess it's time to introduce myself" she paused, reaching out her hand, "I'm Evelyn. Emmaline's sister."

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