chapter 6.

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Important authors note after the chapter. *not edited*

Unfortunately for The young Gracy, she would never see the light of day again. Emmaline woke up the next morning feeling a slight headache for crying so much the night before. She honestly felt stupid, that she thought her mother was just the innocent nurse, that she grew up believing.

"Em?" A sing song voice asked through the shut door.

"Come in." She knew it was Adrian from the way her stomach did a little flip.

"I wanted to know how you're doing." He said in a solemn way.

"Just freakin perfect." Em replied is a sarcastic manner.

"I'm serious Em I wa-" she cut him off.

"I. Said. I'm. Fine." She knew that was childish of her, but all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball and just sleep for the rest of her miserable life.

"I guess I'll take a hint. Look, I know better than anyone that despite that feeling of wanting to be alone, it's better to have people who care about you around."

"Fine." Was all she could muster up. They both knew he went through a hell of a lot in his life.

"Mother wanted to start planning the wedding today. I'll go tell her you're not feeling good."  He was about to leave before her soft voice told him to stop.

"Maybe planning something will get me out of this funk." She whispered. If he didn't have powerful hearing he may not of heard her

"Are you sure? Last I checked that's why you are so miserable."

"Well if I have to get married, I might as well make it the best wedding of the century." She tried to lighten up the mood, but even she could only give a half hearted smile. Did she really just want to give up and have a loveless marriage? Or did she want to fight for her dream of a happily ever after? Who was she kidding, in a world of vampires, witch's, and god only know what else... did happily ever after even exist? And just like that, she was in a deeper funk than before.

Adrian left, so she could clean herself up. She new that Lily had good intentions, but sticking to some form of normality was all she could hold onto. Even if that just meant cleaning yourself up.

She padded her way to the large bathroom door, before a light creaking of the wooden floor made her stop in her tracks. What the hell was that? Cautiously she looked around for something that caused the noise, maybe a rat? The thought alone disgusted her. She might get used to the sight of 'people' drinking blood, but she hated rats with a passion.

Sighing she went in the bathroom and took a long steamy shower. As she massaged the sweet smelling shampoo in her scalp a sudden chill went up the young girls spine. Through the fogged glass she could see a dark figure, but as soon as she laid her eyes upon it, it disappeared. What is going on? Am I going insane?! She asked herself.

She no longer felt comfortable by herself in this bedroom so she quickly rinsed out the shampoo and stepped out of the shower grabbing a fluffy white towel. As she turned to walk out of the bathroom writing on the steamed up window caught her attention. What she read made all the blood drain from her face.

With Adrian's sensitive hearing, he heard his betrothed scream from his room clear in the other wing. For some unknown reason his heart rate sped up ever so slightly before he sped to Em's room. Her door was locked so the only option he had was to kick the door in. He rushed in looking around the room for the damsel in distress before entering the slightly opened bathroom door. He first saw Em with tears streaming down her cheeks, before she noticed him and pointed to the words written on the mirror.

"Watch your back Emmaline, you are next"

Under the creepy, yet cliche message was a pair of numbers, which appeared to be coordinates.

"A..Adrian? What is going on?" Her voice trembled with undoubted fear.

"Honestly I'm not sure."

"There was this figure. I couldn't see who it was because the glass was too foggy but I know I saw something." She said with unsure certainty.

"I would know if someone was in the castle though. Hêll I'd be able to smell them." He unconsciously bit his lower lip while thinking. "Until we find who did this, I don't want you to leave my side okay? If you'd like I can take you to the arena and teach you some self defense." Adrian rambled. Although he didn't know the young brunette very well, he felt oddly protective over her.

Em couldn't speak as she was too in shock, so all she could manage was a soft nod of the head. She might of been wary of being with Adrian 24/7, it was her safest choice. After all, who would be dumb enough to go after the future King?

"Come let's get you into some proper clothes, and get some of your belongings. You'll be staying in my room for now on." She couldn't help but let her mind wander to what might happen, after all she was a woman and he was a very attractive being.

Her skin covered in goosebumps as his cold finger traced her delicate skin exposed by the towel she was still wearing. He grabbed the towel in one hand and gently loosened her hand from it so he could have more control. Her hands fell limp by her side, breath shallowing, as he now was the only one holding the towel up to cover her private regions. He stared directly into her eyes as he slowly dried her off, not once taking a peak at what she hid underneath clothing. Neither of them speaking as they worried about what was next to come.

A/N: hello my beautiful friends out there. I wanted to start this authors not off by say how incredibly grateful I am to have you. By you guys reading, voting, commenting, and adding this book to your reading lists honestly means the world to me. To me it has made me not only more confident in my writing, to know that I have so many people enjoying my work, but also encouraged to give you more of what you want.

When I first started this book, I freshly finished The Vampire Diaries, and I know that the show had a major impact on this book. I honestly didn't think I'd get more than 20 reads, and now here we are at almost 3,000 reads. I know that I haven't updated in months and I am so sorry. I had so much going on in my personal life and behind all of the excuses, I lost my main focus. And that was writing. Because I was so busy, I stopped doing what I loved, and then when I tried to get back to it, I had a major case of writers block.

I will begin updating again for this book, I'm not sure what the schedule will be yet but it's officially off hold. However, I will be making the chapters a little bit shorter as I found it was extremely hard for me to always reach a certain word count. My chapters from now on will always be more than 1,000 words, but I'm not putting a limit. So that means the chapter could be 1,001 words or 10,000!

Anyways if you read this whole authors not I just want to say thank you! From the bottom of my heart. If any of you ever need anything, please don't be a stranger, IM me and I'll respond. I love y'all so much❤️

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