Chapter 3.

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"I don't even have a dress." She crossed her arms, challenging the violet haired girl.

"That doesn't matter, from here on out anything you need will be brought for you."

"How do you even know that I am the Princes betrothed, I mean do you guys just pick any random girls that take the wrong train?" The though almost amused her.

"We don't just pick random girls," Lily let out a soft chuckle, "Only one girl could see the train specifically for her. Besides we believe that Selene had been watching over you for us."

"Selene? I thought that was the moon goddess. . . for werewolves? Please tell me that werewolves don't exist too." She rambled some of the mystical knowledge she new and cringed. She knew that the world could be a harmful place full of hate and malice, but never in her wildest dreams had she thought that vampires and god knows what other supernatural creatures lurk in the shadows.

"She is. However long ago there was an immortal man by the name Ambrogio. During his trip to Greece, he met Selene, who at the time was a mortal working as a maiden for Apollo the sun god, as her sister was the Oracle. The two of them instantly fell in love, and on Ambrogio's last day in Greece he asked her to marry him. She agreed and they made a plan to run off together the next morning. Apollo was outraged as he took a liking to her as well, and that night placed a curse on him so that his sunlight would burn Ambrogio's skin."

"Having no where else to turn, he fled to Hades cavern, to seek shelter and protection. In order to see his beloved Selene again he made a deal with Hades to steal Artemis's silver bow, which in turn caused him the curse of burning at the touch of Silver. He was deviated that he failed, but Artemis took pity on him. She said that if they never touched, kiss, or have children they could be together."

"They were faithful with Artemis's deal. But as time went on Ambrogio never aged, while Selene did. She became ill which devastated the both of them. Artemis came back and since they were both faithful, she made yet another deal. She said that if he drank her blood and killed her mortal body, she would become immortal so they could be together. He was reluctant, but soon agreed. She became the goddess of the moon, while he was a vampire. They were finally allowed to have children, and now the history pretty much sums up."

Woah is all she could think. Em was always a straight A student, and loved Greek mythology, but never once knew that. She always though that it was just make believe.

"So then Vampires can have kids?" She asked.

"Certain ones. Usually the vampire has to be blessed by the gods themselves, which usually comes with Royalty." Lily answered the curious girl, "However if a vampire wants to have kids, they usually have to go through a human because female vampires are usually incapable."

"Wow." She said soaking all the new information in.

"It is indeed, but now we have more oppressing matters to attend to. Lets get you ready for the ball." Lily said hoping to lighten the mood after that history lesson.

"Yay." Sarcasm clearly dripped from her voice. Another girl, with dirty blond hair and brown eyes walked into the room.

"Emmaline, this is Paris. She's better at makeovers than I." A light blush crept on her cheeks, a clear sign of embarrassment.

"Go take a bath so I can start with a clean canvas!" Paris said rather excitedly. Lily followed Em, into the large bathroom before shutting the doors.

"I though you said you were tge only girl here?"

"Paris is Adeline's maiden. I had requested her to help for your first empression."

Em turned on the water in the jacuzzi bath, to allow it to warm up, "if you don't mund I'd like to get in." Em glanced at the bath, then to the door, silently asking Lily to leave.

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