8. Upside down books and yellow notes

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I slept through my alarm, and now, I'm going to be killed.

I didn't get much sleep last night- I stayed up over-thinking Roma's words about seeing Theo not being a coincidence.

I don't want to believe it- but the more I lose sleep thinking about it, the more I lose my ability to think clearly. This leads me down the rabbit hole of considering that maybe, just maybe, it's not just a coincidence.

It's not very enjoyable thinking like that, but like with many other things: I don't know how to tame my brain after it starts moving.

But, getting no sleep also leads me to sleep in late, which causes me to be late for my job. Just great!

I was terrified when I called Mae. There were only two ways for her to take it: either she got upset but said it was okay, OR she would get upset and fire me.

When I called, the phone only rang twice, my voice was shaking when I told her I was running late, but she was weirdly upbeat about it and told me to take my time.

I don't know what drugs she's on, but I'm not exactly complaining.

It still unsettled me because it was Mae and I couldn't tell if she was serious or not. I still rushed to get ready because the bottom line is- I am late for my job.

I took a quick shower, and when I got out, my phone was ringing. It was Roma, so I picked it up.

"Hey, Ro," I said as I dried my body.

"Hey, Babe," she greeted. "Are you at work right now?"

"No, it's me." I laughed, "I slept through my alarm."

"Mae is going to kill you- I hope you know that," Her voice was laced with humor.

I rolled my eyes, "You'll get front row seats at my funeral."

"Why would I want front-row seats at a funeral?" She asked. "You would just be lying there. Nothing interesting."

I laughed a dry laugh, "I find joking about my death quite amusing."

"Me too!" I could hear her grin.

I finished getting dressed and started brushing my hair.

"Was there a reason you called?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just wanted to make sure you didn't take what I said last night seriously," She said, "Although I don't take back what I said, I don't want you to overwork yourself."

I smiled. Roma knew me too well. I welcomed the warmth it brought me- knowing that someone cared enough to know my habits.

"Thanks, Ro. I'm not overworking myself over it," I lied.

She gave an incredulous, "Uh-huh."

"Fine, maybe a little," I said quietly.

She laughed, "You didn't even believe what I said!"

"I know, but it's like making me think about it in every way." I sighed.

"Here, let's make a deal." She proposed.

I stayed silent, not wanting to agree to anything before she spoke. Roma was very creative with her deals. 

She got Tony to stand in the snow with a bikini last Christmas when Tony lost a bet over gingerbread houses.

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