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The Coronation was over, and everyone headed back to their rooms. Esteban made his way to his room. He hadn't been there in a couple of months, though it felt like forever. As he made it to his room, he stood in front of the gate scared of what he will find inside. Finally gathering enough courage he opened the doors to his chamber. It looked exactly the same, which made him relax a bit. He let out a sigh while closing the doors.

"At least something stayed the same", he said to no one.

He walked around the room looking around in his stuff. Everything was exactly where he left it. He thought about all that had happened. The death of his parents. Him coming over to live at the palace. Dealing with the grief of his parents death. Feeling like he wasn't part of the family. Growing up feeling like an outcast, a charity case, a nobody. His alliance with Shuriki. How he lost his familia. How he lost his everything. Sofia and her family coming to Avalor. The Revolt against Shuriki. Him seeing his familia again. Lying to them about his alliance with Shuriki. Finally starting to feel happy again after 40 years. Trying to keep his secret, when the whole universe was trying to reveal it, with all the things happening with Shuriki, and Victor. Then when the universe won. Everyone finding about his betrayal. Him escaping. Joing forces with Ash. Gaining the power of the well of crystals. Elena disowning him. Him turning completely to evil side. Helping Ash. The events of the day.

All these memories were going through his mind. Guilt was eating him up, like it has been ever since he shook hands with Shuriki. The little voice in his head, thankfully being, silent instead of doing its job of making him feel worse than he already does about himself. The events of the day left him drained both physically and emotionally, he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow, all the while hoping things will finally start to get better.


Hey Guys, WHAT UP? Hope you liked the prologue. This is my first ever story, so please go easy on me. However, I would love to read your comments, and what you think I should improve.

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