Chapter 6

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Esteban's POV

I left the workshop, and started going back to my room. My heart was filled with joy of how Isabella hugged me. After all that happened I thought she would hate me and rightfully so, but maybe just maybe I was wrong. Oh, how I hope I was wrong. If Isa, can give me another chance maybe, the rest of the family could too. I mean, they did welcome me back in the palace. With these happy thoughts in my mind I went towards my room. It hasn't been as bad a day as I had anticipated, but working around the workshop has left me exhausted. 

As I was walking I heard some whispers coming through the kitchen. I thought to just go to my room, and not meddle in, but my curiosity got the best of me. I walked towards the door and peered through the slight opening in the door. There were some servants there gossiping. I still couldn't hear what they were saying though, so I went a little closer. 

"I still can't believe that the Queen let him back in the palace." said a servant. 

"I know, after what he did he should have been executed, not welcomed back to live in the palace." said another. 

"Ever since he has been back, I have been scared walking around the palace, I mean what if he does something again." another servant said. 

"Exactly, I still have no idea how the Queen forgave a murderer, and invite him to live with her family, I mean it is just a matter of time till he strikes again. said the first servant. 

"Don't worry the Queen is smart, it is only a matter of time till she realizes what a big mistake this is. When she does he will be sent far away from here." said a servant. 

They continued talking but I didn't have the strength to listen anymore. Even though the servants didn't say his name, it was not hard to guess who they were talking about. 'They are right I don't deserve to be back at the palace, and I am a murderer. And he is right, soon enough they will throw me out of the castle. I mean why wouldn't they. I was so stupid. Stupid to think things can change, stupid to think that everything will be alright again. Because they won't, not after what I did. I ruined any chance of anything being alright. ' thought Esteban. 

I went back to my room, and finally let the tears fall. I cried and cried until I fell asleep crying. Dreading of how I was going to face the family tomorrow. 


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