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sophies pov

"so, obviously you're really talented nd shit" billie starts off the interview. i cannot stop staring into her crystal blue eyes. i've looked up to this girl since 2017 and to finally be face to face with her is just, amazing.

i guess i zoned out in her eyes for a while.

"sophie? hello!! earth to essence earth to essence" billie laughs, making me jolt from my stare.
"what did you say? sorry i zoned out" i apologised.
"whats your dream? like dream job. how do you want your life to go?" billie questions with a small smile. "i want to be a rockstar. like i wanna make make my own songs you know? as in write them, make the tune, sing them and maybe produce them. i wanna make music that involves bass or electric guitar and ukulele" i rant. billie looks at me very interested and nods before grinning.

we continue with the interview for the next half hour.

"so, last 2 questions" billie says, earning a nod from me. "would you be willing to travel for tours nd stuff?" she asks, i nod instantly. "i've always wanted to travel the world. it's my dream" i smile. she nods and reads through the questions. "okay so, i think this is really gonna work. you have all the potential you need to be like me. and also, if you do end up getting into this shit please don't hesitate to ask for help? i know how hard this shit is at the start but it gets easier. dont let andrew give you some shitty ass producer who doesn't let you sing about stuff you wanna sing about. if you want a producer i wouldn't mind sharing mine" she rambles with a smile.
her eyes. they just- daamnnnn oh my lord. i cant even describe, they're just drowning.

"thank you so much billie. this means a lot to me"

"of course. now, go have a good day. catch ya later?" she finishes with a wink.

"bye billie" i laugh giving her a hug and leaving the room.




billie eilish

interviewing me?

for singing?


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