Part 25: Summer 2017 - Begins 🎉

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"What time is Harry getting here for again?" Louis asked as he checked his watch.

"In about half an hour, we can leave once he gets here- Daislee! Baby no! Put it down!" Zayn replied , quickly jumping up to prevent his one year old from grabbing his cup of tea.
"Burny hot babe, don't touch it."

Daislee only pouted , stumbling over to Louis who immediately bent down to pick her up. She had a thing about gaining sympathy from others after the word 'don't' or 'no' was used.

"Awww come here Dais.. you excited to see Dede?!" Louis chirped happily , kissing her cheek.

"Daddy and his new little girl toy?!" Zayn added in sarcastically.

"Zayn... seriously mate, she's not that bad. I like her. She's great with Daislee! You have to let this bitter ex attitude go..."

"It's hard Lou, I know she's a nice girl but I-I just ... look I'm sorry if you find it frustrating! But it's been the worst six months of my life!"

"Bit dramatic like..."

Zayn growled , crossing his arms over his chest.
"No It's not!  He almost missed Daislee's first birthday because he was too busy making sure her flight landed! When has he ever forgotten or been late to anything to do with Daislee? Oh and he never calls me anymore! He only messages for pictures of her or to send me pics when he's with her! It been an absolute disaster and he didn't even have the balls to tell me they where official until a month ago so don't give me 'Bit dramatic' you'd be in pieces if it was Perrie!"

"All I'm saying is ... give Lennon a chance yeah? She's not all bad." His best friend sighed.

"She's a model Lou, a model with the most beautiful personality ever..." Zayn spoke sadly.
"I'm trying so hard to be the bigger person , she's incredible he's lucky to have found someone so accepting of the situation... but it's hard when I still have feelings ... and you know? the worst part is I can see in his eyes how much he loves her and it's shit. He used to look at me like that."

"He still loves you Z, hell he will always love you. You two share a kid together... that's a pretty precious thing to share with your ex."

"Yeah I know that... it'll be fine. I'm just- I wish I had someone , it'd be easier that way."

Just as Louis was about to respond a knock sounded on the flat door. There was only two groups of people it could be... his mum and Anne or Harry and Lennon.  He was kind of hoping it was his mum, they hadn't seen each other in over a week.

Two months after their last summer trip, Zayn decided it would be best if he and Daislee moved into their own flat. Harry was due to go on tour and to make things easier he took Daislee for the first two weeks instead of the last, giving the younger lad plenty of time to unpack. It had given his mum and Eric some much needed alone time , in all honestly it was the best decision he ever made.

"Where's my baby girl?!" Harry's voice squealed, Daislee's little eyes immediately lighting up at the sound of her daddy's voice.

For fucks sake ... why couldn't it be his mother?!

"Dada!" She babbled , squirming in Zayn's hold.

"Hi gorgeous girly!" The older lad chuckled , rushing over to take her off of Zayn.

"Yeah nice to see you to." The Bradford lad scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Oh hi, sorry Z. Just missed her a lot is all."

"A lot? That's an understatement! The whole train ride from Liverpool all he has done is whine about how much he wanted to hug her!" Lennon cooed, entering the room in all her glory.

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