Part 5

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It had been a long time.

That's what it felt like anyway. Truthfully, i didn't have a clue, I hadn't moved from my bed since I got back from the hospital, apart from when I needed to pee which wasnt often because I wasn't drinking much. The agonising stabs in my abdomen were impossible to ignore but they didn't seem to matter, along with my dry mouth and greasy, limp hair. The only thing that mattered was Phil and he hadn't even bothered to text me.


My phone was constantly on charge and my adrenalin surged every time it buzzed or rung. It was usually just a missed call or text from my mum who I guessed must be pretty worried, or maybe it was Louise. I met her in prison but she got out before me. We still kept in contact though.

It was buzzing now, my phone, but I didn't allow myself to get excited. It was probably just my mum threatening to get the police to come and find me. It made me laugh, empty threats signalled weakness. Glancing at the lit up screen of my phone, I noticed a new text from an unknown number. Clicking it hastily I read the writing, heart beating too quickly to be safe

Hi Dan it's Izzy. I'm texting on behalf of Phil, not bc I wanna, b4 u get any ideas. He's scared 2 text u so he told me 2 do it. U can come see him if u wanna. I'll b there, just 2 let u no. Cya. x

My head spun and a huge grin etched itself onto my face. Phil wanted to see me. I re-read the note and frowned.

Was that a kiss on the end?

Strange girl.

2 hours later I was ready. I had showered and dressed myself in a pair of black jeans which were so skinny they might as well have been sprayed on, a My Chemical Romace shirt (sorrynotsorry) and some black converse. I'd left my hair in it's naturally curly form, I knew how much Phil liked it. I suddenly realised that I should probably text Izzy back and let her know I was on my way.

Hey Iz. i'm on my way, tell Phil i'll be about 20 mins. Thx :)

I sent the text and then cringed at what I had wrote. Iz? Really Dan, she already thinks you're a twat.

My phone buzzed and I scanned the new message, laughing quietly.

Will do. And Danny, dont call me Iz, i don't think you've quite earned that privelage yet. Now get your head out of your arse and in the car instead. If your ego can fit behind the wheel that is ;)

I think I liked Izzy, even if she had left quite a nasty looking mark on my cheek.

That girl packed a good slap.

It turns out my ego had no trouble fitting inside the car and soon enough I was sat ouside of the hospital, head rested on the steering wheel. I had no idea why I was so nervous. I just had to be me, right? I mean, thats what he fell in love with, me.

Nodding to myself in approval, i pulled up the handbreak and cut the gas, slipping out of the drivers seat. The stench of the hospital hit me harder than ever before and it took alot of strength not to run away. I told the nurse who I wanted to see and she let me through, along with far to much eyelash battering which I chose to ignore.

The door to his room was propped open slightly and no noise came from inside so I coughed, hoping to catch Phil's attention. It worked and suddenly a pale figure was stood before me, a small smile making his whole face glow.

'Hey' he whispered, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the room, shutting the door quietly behind us.

'Hiya' I replied, grinning. Somehow, my smile grew even wider as I noticed that Phil was wearing a muse shirt over his hospital gown. The muse shirt I had given him 3 years ago.

Phil noticed me staring and blushed, wrapping his arms around his stomch and hiding the fabric

'It got cold' he mumbled, not meeting my eyes

I shrugged and let my eyes flit around the room. It was quite simple with a few shelves and a bed with plain white sheets. I wondered why Phil was still in here. He had assured me he was simply in here so that he could be monitered after being ill, so why wasn't he out yet? I opened my mouth to ask but the door creaked slightly, cutting me off. My body shot to the end of the bed, right away from Phil. I didn't want anybody to presume anything.

A tall boy with bouncy light brown curls and piercing green eyes stepped into the room. He was wearing a simple blue shirt with white short sleeves, showing off his lanky, tanned arms. His legs were covered by skin tight faded denim and his feet wore blue converse. He flashed a smile at Phil and Phil smiled back. They must know eachother.

I couldnt shake the adrenalin that coarsed through my veins. He was fucking beautiful.

His slim figure walked further into the room and a girl followed, their fingers intertwined.

Of course, it was Izzy. She was sporting a pair of denim jeans, similar to the boy's and a TRXYE jumper (from the world famous singer Troye Sivan, who I happened to love) and a pair of large 'nerd glasses'. I also noticed she had dyed her hair a darker shade of brown, which looked quite nice.

Izzy ran over to Phil and enveloped him in a huge hug which looked quite warm. She then removed herself and placed a kiss on his forehead.

Her cloudy grey eyes glanced over at me but she didn't say anything. No suprise there then.

'Peeee-jayyyy, would you go fetch me a coffee? Pleaseeee?' Izzy pouted up at the boy who I presumed must be PJ and he sighed but nodded. Izzy leaned up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his temple before he blushed and walked away.

There was silence as the girl sat on a chair, opposite the bed Phil and I were sat on.

'So, that's your boyfriend then?' I questioned, trying not to sound interested

'Indeed. I saw you checking him out Dan, your homo was showing pretty bad'

She snorted (but somehow managed to look pretty cool doing it) and Phil sniggered quietly.

'Shut up lezbo, he's not my type' I hissed

Izzy stopped laughing and stood up, taking a step towards me

'Ya know, just because we texted this morning, doesnt mean you can make fun of me like we're friends, because we really arent Daniel'

I frowned and she sat back down, smiling lightly

I tried to think of a good come back but I didn't even know her full first name so I could hardly mock her.

The awkward silence was broken when PJ strolled back in with 4 cups of steaming coffee that were being held in a cardboard holder. He passed Phil one of the cups and then Izzy, who pecked his lips in return, Lastly, he handed me a cup and I took it, shaking slightly as our fingers brushed.

'I don't believe we've met before' PJ said, directing his words at me

'No we haven't. My name's Dan..Dan Howell'

PJ's face flickered and he frowned slightly

'Yeah. I've heard about you'

Izyy placed herself on PJ's lap and lay back in the chair, a smug smirk on her lips

'Haven't we all?' She mumbled, her angelic laugh filling the room

Havent we all.

This is such a long chapter.

Say thank you to me.

You're welcome

- Izzy x

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