Chapter 8

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Saturday and Sunday was a matter of decorating the grandparents' trees, Maddie finally getting their pieces for the family newsletter and going to church.

That Monday was a matter of still working so they could stay away for two weeks. They were going to Austria again so besides working extra hard was packing.

For some of them, that was harder than working...


"Hey?" Mal spoke up.

No one said anything because they didn't know who he was talking to.

He huffed when he didn't hear anything, still in his work his own self. "Marce?"

"What?" Marcy sucked on a blueberry candy cane as she looked over patient files.

"Look at me."


"Because I'm gorgeous."

She thought it over. "Fine. What?" She looked at him.

"You think I'm gorgeous?" He looked at her.

"I gave birth two weeks ago. No."

He grumped.

"I don't care. No."


"No, Mal." Ellen was still shaken from her own birth giving.

He was disgusted by their need to heal.

"You're going to stop trying to hump us to death." Marcy vowed.

"But baby-"

"No buts. My honey pot is cracked thanks to you! Four hundred damn kids... I oughta fight you right now."

He kissed the fist she was shaking.

She pinched him. Hard.


"Why did you disturb me?!"

"I love you and you're going to treat me like this?"


"Okay, okay. I just wanted to know what you were working on."

"I can't tell you that."

"Not names or anything identifiable."

"You make me sick. A patient is sick and I'm their last resort. If I can't find out what's wrong with them, they will die."

He gulped. "Can you leave with that hanging above your head?"

Ellen gasped. "The kids would hate to miss Christmas but if this person needs you-"

"One, you and the kids would still go to Christmas." Marcy interrupted. "Two, I'm just reviewing their files and medical history at the moment. They're still under the care of another doctor until the fifth."

"What if that doctor finds out what's wrong with them?"

"Then they'd be saved." It was a no brainer to Marcy.

"Yeah but you won't get credit."


Ellen smiled. "You're not doing it for credit. You're such a good doctor. You're such a good person."

Marcy said nothing.

He smirked. "Stumped ya, didn't she?"

"Shut up."

He grinned. "You're a good person."

She almost lashed out in embarrassment. "I wish you would stop saying that."

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