Chapter 23

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Ellen woke up on her birthday so happy. Her spouses woke her up with kisses and embraces then she had a grand breakfast before going to class. She had a quiz but it didn't even matter because she was now 24.

When she finished with her day, she came home to her ice cream party, where she opened all the gifts from her immediate family. It was great fun.

She somehow thought that was it but that Saturday, she came to the realization that it was not. Mal and Marcy planned a posh party for her.

Her friends and family were able to make it and it was a day all about her. She wasn't a selfish person but it did feel good.

By the time she went to bed, she knew she had the perfect life.


Manny had proposed to Eva the moment she forgave him and she accepted. Now they were getting married as soon as possible so she couldn't change her mind.

Eva didn't have sisters nor many female friends so she asked Marcy and Ellen to help her plan the nuptials while she wanted Marcy to be her Matron-of-Honor.

Manny asked Mal to stand up for him.

Each accepted.


This wedding was a disaster.

Everything that could go wrong, did. Eva was ready to call the whole thing off but Marcy reminded her that it was all just stuff. None of it mattered, as long as Eva and Manny tied the knot.

Marcy offered the cold gardens to serve as venue and for everything to be homemade. They were going to do this village style.

Everyone pitched in and it came together quite nicely. The pair exchanged vows at noon on a cold, clear day. It was stunning.

Eva let go and realized Marcy had been right. Now that she was Mrs. Manny Rodriguez, she felt settled and happy. This was the best day of her life and it was only going to get better.


Rose sat down in one of Marcy's parlors. Manny was back from his honeymoon but still was in a loved up fog as he delivered refreshments. Rose thought it was so adorable.

Marcy walked in. "I know you want to go see about your wife."

Manny smiled. "I do."

"You said that before." Marcy wiggled her eyebrows. "Go find her."

Manny bowed before running out.

Rose giggled.

Marcy sat on a seat and prepared a drink for herself.

Rose felt uncomfortable but yet not. Marcy didn't have her chaotic energy snapping but she wasn't talking. The sandy haired woman prepared her own drink.

Marcy sipped her doctored lemonade slowly.

Rose relaxed. She loved lemonade. It might have been her favorite drink.

Marcy scared Rose when she began speaking. "I don't forgive you."

Rose's heart broke. "You do not?"

"No. I had to realize that the things I went through was not my fault and a lot of it was yours. I tried to force myself to forgive you because I felt I had to. Everyone else didn't want to be in the middle and by being angry with you, they were forced to choose a side.

I was trying to make things easy on other people and I guess that's a good thing but it wasn't doing my peace of mind any favors. I am angry with you. Furious. You hurt me beyond measure. You did. Purposely-"

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