Chapter 18

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Lucia waited until she was in her room to do this. She immediately closed her door and threw her luggage on her bed before pulling her phone from her pocket.

She FaceTimed both Troian and Pria. As soon as both answered, she screamed. "Hi! I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you, too!" Both yelled back.

Lucia giggled but had a text come through. "Hang on, guys! It's Golden!"

"Tell her we said hi." Pria said nicely.

Lucia nodded and responded to the text that asked if she were back from Peru yet and therefore off punishment. Golden immediately called her. "Hang on, guys. I'll call you right back."

Troian wrinkled her nose. "You better be glad I like her."

Lucia laughed and ended the video call before answering the audio one. "Hi, Golden!"

Golden Haas screamed. "I've missed you so much!"

Lucia laughed. "I've missed you, too!"

"This has been the longest two weeks of my life!" Golden was so dramatic.

"Mine too!" Lucia giggled. "You guys should come over! Help me unpack!"

"I'll be right over! Is your dad home?!"

Lucia sighed deeply. "Yes."

"I'll be right over!"

"My moms are here, too."

"They love me. Ciao honey!"

Lucia laughed again as Golden hung up. She quickly texted Pria and Troian to come over then went to ask Manny to make a tray for her and her friends.


"When are you going to see Charles?" Golden brushed her long locks she was named for behind her back.

"I don't know." Lucia admitted.

"Why?!" Troian groaned dramatically. "He kissed you and you've spoken to him everyday you were grounded!"

"I know." Lucia spoke softly.

Pria patted her hand. "It's okay to be confused."

"I am." Lucia hated that.

"What's to be confused about?!" Troian demanded. "He's hot and likes you!"

Pria gave her a look. "Troian!"

Golden tossed her head. "I agree! What else do you need?!"

A knock sounded at the door.

"Come in!" Lucia was glad for the interruption.

Xindi stuck her head inside the door. "Maman wants to know if your friends are staying for dinner."

"Who's cooking?" Golden might have been thin but she loved to eat.

"Maman says that she is-"

"I'm in!"

Troian laughed. "Me too!"

Pria huffed. "I accept as well."

Xindi giggled.

Troian's blue eyes widened. "Xindi, stay!"

Xindi stopped from closing the door. "Yes?"

"We're having a discussion!"

Lucia was horrified. "Troian!"

Troian waved her away. "So what would you do if you and your boyfriend weren't together yet but he kissed you-?"

"Charles kissed you?!" Xindi's brown eyes widened dramatically and she slammed the door open to come inside then slam it shut again. She hurried to a free chair and plopped down. "Tell me everything!"

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