a very special meeting

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Rantaro opened the clubroom door to see the club leader taking a nap on the table. The greenette noticed a small stream of drool trickling out of the leaders mouth which partially disgusted him. He set his bag on the floor with a sigh before getting closer to the sleeping boy and shaking him awake. The grape haired boys eyes gently fluttered open as he sat up and stretched a bit. He wiped off his mouth before turning his attention to rantaro "eh? Oh ranchi you're here early" The leader said with a yawn

"I could say the same about you kokichi" The greenette retorted as he leaned a bit closer. "Well I have an excuse, I am both the leader and president of this club so I'm supposed to be early" Kokichi said as he poked rantaro's chest with a smirk on his face "and you were using that extra time to....nap?" Kokichi paused before his cheeks were dusted an extremely light pink color. If you weren't paying attention you wouldn't have noticed it was even there "napping is a very important club activity" "You were alone though" "I was practicing....in fact" As if on que the tall manga reader entered the clubroom closely followed by the robot. They gave confused expressions.

kiibo was the first to say something "why are you two here so early-" "Kaito! Get the blankets out of the closet" Kokichi demanded immediately as he took one step into the clubroom. Kaito looked like he really didn't want to do that but forced himself to do it anyway "kiibo help ranchi move the desks out of the way, we have a very special club activity today" Kiibo sighed before letting out a displeased moan "mmm....i hate those" He mumbled before dragging his feet over to the first slightly rusted desk and pushing it towards the wall.

Rantaro looked at kokichi "aren't you going to do anything?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. Kokichi placed his hands on his hips and stood tall (or as tall as he could) with a smile plastered on his face "I am doing something, commanding you all" Rantaro thought that was the worst excuse for being lazy he's ever heard but he brushed it aside. He liked helping people out (when he gathered enough confidence to approach someone) so it's not like he was that angry about it anyway. He looked towards the robot boy and saw he was having troubles figuring out where to put desks "you can put desks on top of other desks you know" He suggested as he approached him. Kiibo looked at him like this was a completely new concept. Rantaro smiled kindly and picked up a desk by the legs then flipped it and placed it on another desk.

Kiibo's eyes lit up rather literally with the iris illuminating in a dazzling teal color and if you looked close enough you could see little sparkles and stars in his eyes. "Amazing!....you must be really strong to do that so....effortlessly" Rantaro looked confused "it's not that difficult...you try" Kiibo nodded and tried to pick up a desk but couldn't manage it, dropping it almost as quickly as he picked it up. Kokichi snickered to himself "and I thought a robot would be stronger" "I was programmed with the strength of a 80 year old man" Kiibo defended weakly. Rantaro put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly "it's okay....I'll just do it for you from now on" Kiibo showed a small smile of appreciation before the door burst open yet again

"S-sorry I'm late!" The familiar clumsy boy exclamed before freezing once he saw what they were doing "....wh....what?" "We're having a special club activity today! And luckily you came just in time to miss all of the work!" Rantaro turned around to see a fluffy, extremely thick blanket was placed on the floor and four smaller blankets were laying on top on it "oh....are we....going to do another marathon?" Kiibo flinched at shuichi's suggestion and turned around quickly to face the smiling club leader "please say it isn't another hentai marathon!" "No no unfortunately tenko ratted us out...she said it was "Completely inappropriate" And "that isn't allowed in a school setting" Basically a bunch of buzz words that don't really matter..." He said, holding a bitter tone

"Now...hook up your computer and everyone else, take off your shoes" "What? Why?" Kaito questioned "you sleep in your shoes?"

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