Mi amor

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"You were in a car crash?!" Alex practically yelled.
June still rubbing the sleep from her eyes said "Yeah like you haven't before, king of wrecking cars"
"Well yeah but I've never been hospitalized"
"Well there was that one time-" Henry started but Alex cut him off.
Ellen walking down the stairs after Nora and June raised her eyebrow "What time?"
"Nothing it's nothing" Alex grabbed Henry's hand and led them off.
"Well that was a way to start our morning" Nora said grabbing June's hand.  Ellen cleared her throat and opened the fridge.  When June went to take her hand away Nora squeezed it and gave her a look that came to mean "we've done worse than this in public it would be more suspicious to take your hand away" or you know something along the line.
"How are you girls feeling" Ellen asked with a motherly smile.
"We're ok I think" said June smiling back.
"Ok well I'm going on a date with Leo so y'all will have the house to yourself for a few hours" Ellen grabbed a granola bar and left. 
"I wish I didn't have to but I'm behind on work from our mini vacation so I really need to go too" Nora said with an apologetic expression
"Noo why can't you work here"
"Because you are a distraction" Nora kissed June and ran out the door
"I love you!" June called
"Love you too call me" Nora yelled back before closing the door.

And call June did.  It had been a few hours since Nora left and she was growing tired of playing board games with Alex and Henry.  It was fun at first but then they started being all coupley and it made June miss Nora.  June always thought she wouldn't be the clingy girlfriend but now that she had one she realized why people were.
She picked up her phone and called Nora "I know I know your busy and I don't want to be clingy but can I please come over" June said before Nora could even say hello
"Well hello to you too, you can come over but only if you let me work no distractions"

June once again walked to Noras apartment. It was good for her to clear her head and she didn't really feel like announcing her departure by starting the car. When she got to Noras apartment she knocked twice with no answer. She decided to call Nora instead.
"Come answer the door love" June said when the phone picked up
"Dude your literally my girlfriend just come in" Nora hung up.
She opened the door and walked in unexpectedly not seeing Nora in the living room. Or the dining room. Or the kitchen.
"Mi amor?" June called in a soothing tone.
She walked into the bedroom and Nora was standing next to the bed with papers all over.
"I liked that" Nora said as soon as June entered.
"Liked what" June said oblivious
"What you just said"
"Mi amor?"
"Yes that I like it it makes me feel happy" Nora wrapped her arms around June's waist and kissed her. It was a deep kiss. Their tongues fighting back and forth. Nora pushed June against the wall one hand on her hip the other on her chest. June pulled away "what happened to no distractions"
"Forget that this is what I want, is this what you want?" Nora asked looking at June sincerely
"More than anything" June pulled Nora closer by the collar of her shirt. She wasted no time and pulled June's shirt over her head. Nora picked June up by her legs and walked her over to the bed covered in papers.

The next morning June awoke in Noras arms. June and Nora were opposites in the way that June always woke up with the sun. She always felt guilty like she was wasting the day if she slept in. Nora on the other hand could sleep till 3 if nobody woke her. June got up quietly and walked to the bathroom to do her hair. She was brushing it out when she felt arms grab her from behind.
"I liked your bed head"
"Sorry but the paparazzi does not" June said smirking.
Nora pulled in closer making June blush at the contact of their almost naked bodies. Nora was kissing June's neck when she turned around.
"I love you" June said looking into Noras eyes.
"I love you too" Nora replied almost overwhelmed by how true it was. She loved June so much it hurt.

Ahh ok short one this time. I'm thinking of starting a raya x namaari fan fic but I barely update this one regularly so idk is anybody here interested in that. Also sorry for not including Alex and Henry too much I'm trying to push there wedding back because I have an idea but it involves June and Nora having been together for longer. Anyway hope you enjoyed :)

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