Check Up

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It was a year after the inaguration.  The tree was still up in the White House despite it being almost February.  Henry had been living in the White House since December and despite how big it was, it was very crowded.  Even though he's literal Prince Charming Henry is very messy.  He leaves his ice cream containers everywhere and all the food out.  June finally decided to put her foot down and at least make everybody help her un decorate.  Nora was going to come help but she got caught up with research about some political figure as usual.  June couldnt help but feel disappointed.  She didnt know why because she saw Nora yesterday but she always felt better around her.  The way there is always that one curl in her face, the way her eyes light up when she talks about things shes interested in, even the way she glares at June when shes skeptical about her statistics.  Basically everything about her is perfect. 

"June? Where did you go" Alex said as if he wasn't standing right next to her.
"I'm right next to you dumbass" June replied jokingly but still lost in thought.
"Yeah but your brain obviously isn't"
June shook the very normal thinking about her bestfriend thoughts from her head "Sorry I was thinking about Nora but let's do this"
Alex Henry and June took down the tree and all the lights.  They laughed at all the gag ornaments they picked up from various airport gift shops.
"Where is Nora anyway" Henry asked
"Probably wired off energy drinks and weed gummies in her apartment" Alex said with a smile.
"I'm gonna go check on her.  And Henry please pick up your trash"
June decided not to drive.  Noras place was only a few blocks away she could spare the earth a few fossil fuels.  On her walk she was very excited.  She saw Nora yesterday but they didnt talk much Nora was very tired and just planned on coming over for a few minutes to talk to Ellen.  But when she basically fell asleep on their couch June took her hand and led her to her room.  Nora took a nap- well more like stayed the night.  And when they woke up in the morning their faces were very close.  Once again this happens all the time. With the amount that Nora sleeps in Junes bed it might as well be hers. So why was today different. June was nervous and had...butterflies? It was probably just because she had a glass of wine the night before. It was nothing. Just in time for her to deny everything she was thinking about she reaches Noras building. Number 12. She had to knock twice before any answer then finally the door opened. Nora was crying.
"Nora?! Are you ok what happened" June asked very concerned.
"Oh. I thought you were the delivery guy. I'm fine you dont need to be here."
"Nora Holleran I am not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong and I know your okay" June told her not taking no for an answer.
Nora let her in but didnt say anything.
"Ok you dont have to talk about it if you dont want to but I'm not leaving thats not what friends do. Come here."
June grabbed Nora and wrapped her arms around her letting Nora rest her head on her chest. She slowly leaned back so they were laying down on Noras couch. Nora still had tears running down her face but this time she let out a cry she couldnt hold back.
"Love, what's wrong" June said shifting so she could look at Nora.
"I um. Well everyone in my life has always been so supportive, of my work, my sexuality everything. But today... you know what nevermind its stupid and embarrassing you should go ill be fine and I dont want you to worry about me" Nora said wiping the tears from her face failing to hold back more.
"Nora nothing you could ever say could be so stupid or embarrassing that I wouldn't care. I'm your bestfriend its my job to worry and to help you whenever you need it so please tell me what happened." June said wiping Noras tears and tucking that piece of hair back.
"Ok but I warned you it's stupid.  I went out today just walking to the grocery store.  On my way there, some people came up to me and called me slurs and then jumped in a puddle and soaked my clothes.  Which is why I'm saying its dumb I've been called these things before, I mean daily I'm the second daughter with a major following it happens daily.  But today something happened I dont know I just couldnt take it this time." Nora said crying even harder now.
"Oh Nora. That is not stupid at all or embarrassing how could you say that.  Those people are assholes and nothing they say is true.  If i ever see them I'm going to beat their asses.  Nora you are the most perfect person Ive ever met.  Your funny and beautiful and even the way you look and act hungover is amazing and perfect.  The way you blow away that one curly hair a million times instead of just using your hand because your stubborn.  Everything.  You are amazing." June hugs her again and they stay like that for a long time.  Then Nora leans back onto her knees looking into Junes eyes.  They are still wet but no more tears are falling.  Noras blue eyes meet Junes brown eyes.  Suddenly their faces are getting closer, and closer, they're lips are about to touch when- KNOCK KNOCK.
Nora clears her throat "That's probably the delivery man"
"Yeah you should go get it" June says un aware of how much she is blushing
"Actually that reminds me I still need to go get groceries.  You can stay here as long as you want but I'm gonna go pick those up"
"Ah yeah I should probably get going too I shouldnt leave Henry and Alex alone"
They give each other awkward smiles and walk out the door.

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