Everythings Gonna Be Ok

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Y'all sorry this is so late I forgot. I'm the worst updater ever tbh you can ask my she ra au for evidence lol but I'll try to keep doing it regularly. I was gonna make this really angsty and have one of them be super injured but fluff is easier to write and I'm trying to get back into things but if angst is something you want let me know and I'll write it. Ok enough rambling enjoy

June felt like the crash was in slow motion. As soon as she saw the car run the red light all she could think was I can't die now. As if before it would have been ok. Now she had Nora and things were looking like they were gonna be good.  Not that they weren't before but now nothing could be better. The car impacted and the airbags went off. Unexpectedly to her June was still awake. She thought for sure she'd be unconscious.
"Nora! Are you ok" June pushed the airbags away. When Nora didn't reply she got out and rushed over to her door. The car had Tboned them on Noras side and was still smashed into the door. June wasn't thinking about anything except getting to Nora. Somehow her adrenaline was enough for her to literally push the car away from the door. In hind sight she should have waited the 10 seconds it took for Cash to catch up from the car behind them. She opened the door and Nora was there and looked fine but was unconscious. She called an ambulance because the car was totaled and they couldn't wait for anybody else. Once the cops came June went with Nora in the ambulance and left Cash to deal with everything else. Nora gained consciousness in the Abulence 10 minutes away from the hospital.
"Woah what happened why are we in an ambulance- June are you ok?"
"I'm fine worst I have is a concussion and might need stitches on my head it's you I'm worried about. You were unconscious and got the most of the hit."
"Well I feel fine now how far away is the hospital"
"Less than 5 minutes" the emt answered
They rode the rest of the way holding hands just being great full that they're alive. When they got to the hospital they called Ellen Alex and Henry.
Nora didn't want to call her parents because she knew they would worry to much. She decided to wait until they got home. Ellen insisted on picking them up even though they could have rode in cash's car fine. This was a bit of a disappointment because all they wanted was to be close to each other. But Cash was the only one who knew about them so they would have to do without the snuggling in the back seat for now. It was pretty normal for them to hold hands though so at least they could do that. They had to wait a few hours for the president to get there so June climbed into the bed with Nora.
"Nora Holleran I love you but if you ever scare me like that again I might have to kill you" June leaned down to kiss her girlfriend
"Listen I might not have had to if you weren't so bad at driving" Nora came back smirking
June play slapped her shoulder and then grabbed Nora so she was laying on her chest. Tired from the days event they fell asleep.

Ellen rushed into the hospital frantically looking for Nora and June when she spotted them laying together. She had a feeling she was seeing something she wasnt supposed too. She decided to call June first to give them time to prepare.
Ring..ring "mom? What's up"
"Hey hon are you okay I'm in the
hospital I'll be there soon"
"Oh ok we're on the first floor"
She hung up and waited behind wall for 5 minutes.
"Nora" June whispered
"My moms here I have to get up"
"You know we spend the night in the same bed almost every day right?" Nora said
"Well yeah but I have to get up either way"
Reluctantly Nora let go of June and sat up.
"Hey girls you ready to go?"
"Please I just want to lay in my bed" June said
"I want to lay in your bed too" Nora said staring June dead in the eyes. June elbowed her and looked to her mom with an awkward smile. Ellen just laughed and started walking.
"What were you thinking" June whispered.
"June again we have sleep overs every other day did you forget we knew each other before we started dating" smiling Nora grabbed Junes hand.

The car ride was short Nora fell asleep on Junes shoulder and June on Noras head. When they got home they went straight to bed ignoring Alex and Henry's concerned questions. They couldn't think of anything except sleeping. In each others arms. Peacefully. Everything was going to be ok.

Ughhh I feel like this was bad writing I also haven't spell checked it I'm sorry it's so half assed. I promise they will be better in the future I was just trying to get this out fast I'm going to bed now I'll fine tune it in the morning good night everybody :))

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