The Proposal

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It was almost a month since June and Nora almost kissed. They didn't talk about it but it definitely awoke something in June. She is not straight. That night she went home and had a very long think. If she was straight she probably wouldn't have gotten nervous everytime one of her friends laid their head on her in highschool. Probably wouldn't have drunkenly kissed so many girls. Or gotten butterflies everytime Nora looked at her. That she decided was just friendly. Nora was her bestfriend she was probably just proud of her or something. And the kiss if you could call it that was just her being caught up in a moment of sympathy.  But she did come to the conclusion that she likes women. 

June was usually annoyed with Alex and Henry being so loud but they went out to dinner and surprisingly June missed them. She decided to call Nora to cure her boredom. Things with them are fine they just pretended the kiss never happened.
"Hello" Nora said in such a monotone voice you'd think she was on her death bed.
"Hey Nor, Alex and Henry went to dinner I'm bored wanna come over"
"Fuck yes I'm bored as hell"
"I was hoping you'd say that I need your help with something" June hangs up before Nora can ask questions

When Nora gets to the White House there are roses on the table and candles everywhere.
"What is all this Nora asks"
"Ok technically I'm not supposed to tell you but I can't do this all myself.. Henry is gonna propose to Alex and wants us to set up a candle rose petal trail to the tree outside where he'll pop the question" June says very quickly
"Oh. My. God. I'm so excited for them ok how should we do this" Nora is bouncing up and down on her toes.

They set up a trail of candles and sprinkle the rose petals around. Henry didn't ask for it but they decided to set up a speaker to play the first song they ever danced too. Elton John's your song.
"This is perfect thanks for your help" June said walking along the trail as if she was testing it.
"It really is I wonder if they are gonna keep their last names" Nora said walking with her.
Nora grabbed Junes hand. This wasn't unusual they held hands all the time. But once again there was that spark in her stomach June felt. She looked over at Nora and she was already looking back.
"Dance with me?" Nora said when they got to the end of the candle trail
"Of course"
They danced there for two repeats of the song just listening to the music in comfortable silence.
"I think I might be bi" June says randomly, cringing with her eyes closed
"I don't know how to tell you this but me too" Nora says with a laugh
"Well everybody knows that your an icon"
They continue to dance until the song ends again and they sit at a bench in the front yard.
"So who was your awakening" Nora said still with a grin on her face
"You know like who did you look at and think you know I think I want that" Nora replied as if it was common knowledge
"Oh." Does she tell Nora it was her or just lie. I mean she could say Aubrey Plaza everybody thinks Aubrey Plaza is hot.
"You" June finally said as she finally came to terms with it.
"You know how long I've been waiting for you to say that" Nora said grinning as big as ever. "Can I kiss you right now?" Nora asked
June didn't respond she just pushed her lips to Noras. Nora was shocked for a second then kissed her back. June was skeptical at first but in this moment she knew that Nora was the one. The way her mouth tasted like gummy worms and all the mint gum she chews. It sounds bad but it's just so. Nora. The way her cheekbones feel as June grabs her face and runs her thumbs along them. The way Noras hands fit perfectly on the small of Junes back and the curve in her hip. They were like two pieces to a puzzle that finally came together. June hated it but she has to pull away so she could catch her breath.
"Wow" was all she could get out
"Yeah" was the only thing Nora could say in response.
They looked into each other eyes for a few moments longer. Nora pulled June back in for another kiss this one even better than the last. Their lips collided in perfect harmony. Everything was just perfect. Junes hand tangled itself in Noras curly hair and Nora was pulling june in by her belt loops with another hand on he neck. Their kiss was stopped short, or long, by the opening of the door. Alex and Henry. They had completely forgotten.
"Hurry hide" June said.
Nora clicked play on the music and they hid behind a bush. The trail led to the tree where they first kissed.
"What is all this" they heard Alex ask
"Just follow me"
They walked down the path looking at each other until they reached the end beneath the tree.
"Alex Clairmont Diaz, that night when I kissed you out of jealousy was the best thing to ever happen to me. You bring out a part of me that I didn't know existed. You make me brave and stand up for myself. You make me happy and I have no idea what I would do without you. I would probably still be in London in a giant closet about to enlist it the army. I love you Alex and the day you told me you loved me too unconditionally because of everything was when I knew we were meant to be together. Hell I knew we were meant to be since the Olympics. Anyway this is all my way of asking. Alex Claremont Diaz will you marry me." Henry had a nervous smile on his face and looked like he was about to run away.
"You cliche bitch. Yes of course I'll marry you I love you I love you I love you" Alex would've kept saying it too if he wasn't cut off by Henry kissing him. They pulled apart and Henry slipped the silver band with the day they got outed in graved onto Alex's finger.
"Woooooo" June and Nora came out from the bush clapping still holding hands.
"I'm so proud of both of you" june said giving them a hug so tight it was hard to breathe.
"Were you watching all of that" Alex asked
"Duh who do you think set this all up" Nora said.
"Why put the day you got outed on the wring wasn't that like...traumatic" June asked
"No we think that it's the day we truly got to be ourselves and didn't have to hide it anymore" Henry said still looking at Alex.
Alex and Henry went to their room and left Nora and June outside. They kissed once more never wanting to stop. They finally found each other and June finally accepted it.
"I really do need to go I have a meeting in the morning" Nora said very disappointed.
"Wait it doesn't happen to be the one with my mom and Rafael Luna does it" June asked
"Well yeah it is how did you know"
"I have to go to that too. Wanna sleep over?" June asked with a nervous grin
"Of course" Nora said

They made their way to Junes bedroom. They laid on her bed this time June in Noras arms as happy as can be. They doze off to sleep happy to finally be with each other.

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