New Daddy - ☻

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Luke and Michael adopt a child

Requested by @muke-clemmings69


"Michael, Michael, Michael!" Luke said excitedly, running into the kitchen where Michael was making dinner.

"Luke, Luke, Luke!" Michael mocked, laughing at the look on Luke's face. he wiped his hands off with a towel before pulling Luke towards him, resting his arms around his neck. "Whats up, babe?"

"Matt just called and said that Laura's going into labor!"

Michael grinned, not believing Luke. "Are you serious? Like right now?"

Luke nodded, his hands practically shaking because he was so excited. "They were on their way to the hospital when he called me. We have to go down there now!" He squealed, gripping onto Michael's arm.

"Oh god, okay. Go start the car and I'll be out there in a minute," Michael instructed, giving Luke a quick peck on the lips before the blonde rushed out of the room to find his keys.

Quickly rushing around, Michael made sure everything in the kitchen was shut off before following Luke's footsteps out to the car. Luke had already stared the car, impatiently waiting for Michael to get in so they could get to the hospital already.

While Luke drove, Michael tapped his leg anxiously, asking Luke every minute how much longer it would be until they were finally there. He was so excited, yet nervous at the same time. They had been waiting for this day for months, and now that it was happening they were both practically bursting.

Laura and Matt were a young couple who Michael and Luke had met a few months back. They hadn't meant for Laura to get pregnant, since they were both so young, so they were going to put the baby up for adoption when it was born. Michael and Luke had been wanting to have a baby ever since they got married, but since they obviously coudn't have one themselves, the next best thing was adoption.

Luke quickly pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, searching for an empty spot to park the car. An SUV was pulling out of its spot, so Luke waited behind it, impatiently hitting his fingers against the steering wheel.

"Oh my God, move already!" He groaned in frustration, leaning back into the head rest while he waited for the dumb truck to pull out already.

"Just go over there babe," Michael pointed towards another spot in the next aisle. He was trying to hold back a smile for Luke's sake. Michael knew that he got intolerant easily and if Michael laughed at him, he would just be a grump about it.

"Fine," Luke sighed, moving forward and pulling over to the next aisle over. When he parked, the SUV was already gone and he grumbled, "stupid fucking truck," while unbuckling his seat belt.

Michael laughed, getting out and walking over to Luke's side, then grabbed his hand. "C'mon, let's get inside. I don't want to miss anything."

When they walked inside, the lobby was fairly quiet, with the exception of two little kids giggling next each other in the black plastic chairs. Michael smiled, thinking how maybe in a few years, he and Luke will have more kids.

Luke tugged on his arm gently, pulling him out of his thoughts and over to the front desk, where a friendly looking, younger lady was tapping on her computer. She looked up and smiled sweetly for the two boys. "Hi, how can i help you?" She asked, tucking a piece of brunette hair behind her ear.

"we're here for Laura Wilmonth?" Luke said, biting his lip gently. Michael could tell he was nervous now so he squeezed his hand, gently rubbing circles with his thumb.

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