show don't tell blurb

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hey hey hey i know i haven't updated in like five years but today i had to write something for creative writing and i kind of want to make a whole one shot out of it so tell me what u think ((it's malum by the way)) ((i'm gonna write it anyways bc meg and i are excited for it)) but basically its platonic bros!Malum and idk i think its cute so here have this:::

     Michael is already standing at the door when Calum knocks. He pulls it open with shaky hands and a small exhale, greeted by a worried looking Calum. He says nothing as he walks inside, taking Michael's hand gently, and then leads him over to the horribly stained couch that's settled in the corner of Michael's sitting room. Once he has taken a seat, he lets Michael's hand fall from his before gesturing Michael into the spot next to him. Michael does so eagerly, and curls into his best friend's side, letting out a pathetic sounding whine. Taking that as Michael's way of asking to be held, Calum wraps the older boy in his arms, resting his chin on the top of Michael's head. Satisfied, Michael breathes in slowly, catching the smell of peppermint on his shirt. His eyes droop shut, comforted by the body heat radiating off of Calum.

     The two sit there in silence, Calum holding Michael close to his chest. Calum doesn't ask what's bothering Michael, he knows that Michael doesn't like talking when he asks Calum to come over and sit with him. Michael likes silence; he doesn't need to talk about his feelings to make him feel better. All he needs is someone to hold him whilst he thinks his problems away. That's how he works, and Calum knows that. Calum is fine with that. 

sorry i know its not muke or cashton but im starting to really love malum

also mel is making me turn one of the one shot ideas i had into a mashton au so yeah thats coming ur way as well

im abandoning my ships who even am i anymore

anyways i love u to the moon and back !!!

Vanny xx

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