the new comer 🌺

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warning this chapter contains language ,, sexual humor ,,

you've been warned. 

3rd point of view. 

they wiped the sweat off their forehead with a cloth and whisked it around to dry it. ( y / n ) re-rolled their sleeves for the tenth time today and walked around to pick up a bag of pellets and move them into the ranch. kelly ,, millie's mother ,, walked out and watched as ( y / n ) passed by with a bag of pellets on their shoulder. 

they set the bag down and held their shoulder and hissed in slight pain ,, " ( y / n ) ? could you come here please ? " kelly asked ,, they stood up and walked over to her ,, giving off a friendly smile. " what's up ? " they asked ,, kelly instantly handed them a 20 dollar bill and said " for today's work. well done. " she said ,, ( y / n ) took it and shoved it inside their shirt. " thank you kelly. this means a lot " they said.

kelly was an averaged height demon. red bandana with a white blouse and jeans. " no thank you. this ranch would be so lost without your help. " she said ,, they chuckled awkwardly with the amount of praising they received ,, rubbing the back of their neck. suddenly an interesting truck started pulling up in front of the ranch. ( y / n ) looked at the truck and squinted. the truck was white with bull horns on the top and the tires looked muddy. 

" oh ( y / n ) ,, i forgot to mention that we hired someone else to help you with your work " kelly said ,, ( y / n ) forced a smile and chuckled awkwardly ,, trying not  to get pissed with the fact now they have to work with someone else. the door to the truck opened and out stepped an interesting imp. big horns with a big hat that covered his eyes slightly. he wore a toothy grin ,, with a gold tooth. red bandana ,, tan jacket with the frills with ripped tan jeans and some boots. he had small facial hair ,, only a mustache.  

this imp seemed more reptilian than anything ,, something about his tail made it shiver like a snake tail. the imp closed the door and walked up to kelly and shook hands with her. " striker i'm glad you could make it. " she said ,, this striker character smiled more and replied with " it's no trouble at all ,, miss. oh. and who might you be ?? " he asked ,, looking at ( y / n ). 

" striker. this is your partner. ( y / n ). ( y / n ) this is striker. you two will be working together. " kelly said ,, striker grabbed her hand gently and shook it while tipping his hat. " pleasure to meet you ,, little lady " he said ,, ( y / n ) shook his hand and gave a small chuckle. " nice to meet you ,, striker. you'll love it here " they said ,, striker took this moment to kiss their hand and turn his smile into a sly smirk. " oh ( y / n ) ,, could you help robert with the wood ?? " kelly asked ,, ( y / n ) nodded and took their hand back. " right away ma'am " they said before leaving. 

 kelly decided to go this way and show striker around the ranch. as told ,, ( y / n ) helped chop down some wood ,, while striking conversation with sally may ,, one of the owners daughters. " hey ,, did you see the new guy ?? " she asked ,, ( y / n ) huffed and wiped their forehead. 
 yeah. kelly introduced me to him first ,, he's kind of weird though " they said ,, looking at the lady. sally wore a bandana in her hair with a black T shirt ,, shorts and ripped leggings with boots. " yeah but you got to admit he has some charm to him. " sally said ,, staring down at the imp in question who was towing the lawn. 

" sure. if you consider grabbing hands on the first date " they said ,, earning a snicker from the imp next to them.  " ever wonder what he's like in bed ? " sally asked ,, snickering while picturing it in her head. ( y / n ) let out a giggle and said " probably lasts for 2 seconds ". sally covered her mouth and said " i bet he has a skinny looking dick " she said ,, earning a wheexe from ( y / n ). " what if his balls are deflated ? " they said ,, the two started wheezing and laughing about the image. striker looked up at the two and tilted his head ,, he wondered what could be so funny. 

i'm going to hell / striker x reader / Where stories live. Discover now