shocking news ❗

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warning this chapter will contain cussing ,, violence and mentions of blood. you've been warned.

3rd point of view

( y / n ) eventually got off the swing and decided to talk to people ,, though not a lot of people were talkative. millie ran over to ( y / n ) and instantly said " hey there ! ". ( y / n ) looked at her and smiled ,, " oh hey. millie was it ?? " they asked ,, to which she nodded. " yeah ! is your name ( y / n ) ?? " she asked ,, ( y / n ) nodded again. " yeah. how are you liking the festival ?? " they asked ,, walking with millie around the farm. " oh i love it ! just wish i could play in the games " she said before huffing ,, ( y / n ) nodded and said " yeah your mom should have let you. so what ?? your passionate in the games ?? that's something to embrace " they said ,, millie pointed at them and said " thank you !! ".

while the two talked ,, moxie walked up the stairs of the ranch and noticed something odd about a specific room. inside the room was showing off a pinkish white light from under the door ,, moxie hesitantly opened the door and looked inside. " well that's troubling " he said ,, once the door was pushed open ,, inside was a cool looking rifle. moxie left the door wide open while he walked over to check it out. the gun had white markings but showed pinkish lights.

" oh my crumbles ! " moxie said in shock before running his fingers on the beauty ,, he stood there appalled with how striker was able to get something so cool. " genuine carved line crafting rifle ! how- how in the fuck did he get one of these !? " moxie asked to himself ,, suddenly a voice behind him said " why don't you ask me ? little dude ? ". moxie turned around quickly and realized it was striker ,, leaning against the door frame. " shit ! wh-why do you have this ,, mister ?? you are aware this kind weapon can kill- " before moxie could finish his sentence ,, striker said " demon royalty ? ".

" yes ,, that " moxie said ,, nervously looking at the weapon then back at him. " no shit. that's kind of the point " striker said ,, flicking his hay string away ,, getting off the door frame and scratching the door before he closed the door behind him and started walking towards moxie. his tail rattling like a snake once more ,, moxie started to stutter but he continued talking. " okay. while i-im relatively concerned by your possession of this- i'm also glad my instincts is likely of you is validATED- " moxie grunted ,, striker wrapped his tail around moxies neck and he chucked him against the wall.

moxie yelled out as he fell to the floor ,, before he could get up ,, striker kneeled down and instantly started choking him. moxie hissed and kicked around ,, trying to get free from his attacks. moxie looked around and kicked a table so a vase would fall on strikers back and shatter.

millie and ( y / n ) stopped ,, looked up at the window of the ranch before looking at each other. " i think your husband is in there " they said ,, millie went into a panic and started running. " i'll talk to you later " she said before running inside ,, ( y / n ) stared at the window for the longest time before walking around the ranch quietly.
moxie gasped for air and ran to the door as quickly as he could ,, moxie managed to get the door open but striker once again grabbed him and held him closely to his body ,, attempting to suffocate him with his hand. he turned away from the door and kneeled down ,, continuing to suffocate the small imp.

moxie kicked around and tried to break free from his arms but slowly he started feeling sleepy and weak ,, his eyes started getting heavy. striker chuckled lowly and said " pathetic ". suddenly he let go and yelled out ,, dropping moxie. millie started stabbing him in the back and hissing violently. a little bit of fighting but striker shoved his back on the wall to get millie to fall off and lay there. striker chuckled again and felt the wound on his back and looked at the blood in his hands. " millie... " moxie whispered weakly ,, striker grabbed the two by the horns and dragged them both outside to the celler.

i'm going to hell / striker x reader / Where stories live. Discover now