what do we do now ? 💖

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3rd point of view. 

he looked out of the blinds ,, squinting his eyes to take a better look. his eyes widened when he realized they were here and trying to quickly find the keys to their apartment and get inside. he hummed and took his fingers away from the blinds and grabbed his hat ,, sneaking out towards the back. 

( y / n ) grunting and tried screaming ,, they shoved the heel of their shoes down on his heel ,, making striker grunt and let go. ( y / n ) turned around and socked him in the face ,, making him fall over. ( y / n ) grabbed their lamp ,, about to smash this intruders face in but stopped when they realized that it was striker. " fffuck you have a strong punch " he said ,, rubbing his face as he smirked. ( y / n ) dropped the lamp and smoke started coming out of their ears. striker lost his smile when he realized how pissed they look. 

( y / n ) slapped him hard on the face and grabbed his horn ,, yanking him up. striker grunted and hissed in pain ,, grabbing their wrists. " you have a lot of fucking explaining to do " they said before throwing him on their bed and looking at him ,, fuming with rage. striker sat up and rubbed his face again ,, he looked up at them with puppy dog eyes. " why are you suddenly hurting me ?? " he asked innocently ,, ( y / n ) held up their hand and striker flinched slightly.

" what the fuck dude ?? when were you gonna tell me you were an assassin ?! "  ( y / n ) asked ,, striker sighed and ran his fingers in his hair ,, trying to figure out words. " wELL ?? " ( y / n ) asked ,, striker looked at them and said " i didn't think you'd ever find out. i didn't want you to find out. " he said ,, ( y / n ) looked at him confused. " so you thought lying to me was the best option ?? so you lied about your life ,, your death ,, marriage ?? is your name even striker ?? " ( y / n ) asked ,, striker held up and finger and chuckled. 

" yes my name is striker. but. yes ... i lied to you. i lied to everybody " he said ,, ( y / n ) looked at him and noticed he started bleeding a little bit ,, ( y / n ) walked over to their night stand and grabbed bandages and rubbing alcohol. striker watched as they move and sat down next to him ,, ( y / n ) grabbed his arm and he instantly started hissing like a snake.
" quit acting like a baby. this won't take long " they said before dabbing a small amount of
rubbing alcohol on his wound ,, striker hissed and clenched his jaw.  

" so ,, then why are you in hell ? " they asked ,, striker looked down at his lap in silence for a good moment before taking a breath and saying " i was always an assassin. that's how i made a living ,, i grew up a little bit poor and i was struggling to live. so i had people pay me to take care of their business for them. one of my stories was right ,, i shot a man behind the back 15 times ... i just never had a wife. " striker explained as ( y / n ) wrapped their wounds ,, ( y / n ) instantly started taking off his jacket and striker stiffed up. 

" whoa what are you doing ? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) glared at him and said " i cant wrap your wounds with clothing in the way. just for a minute. " they said ,, striker hummed and started unbuttoning his shirt to slip it off. ( y / n ) grabbed the rubbing alcohol and dabbed it on his back. " well why did you tell me a different story then ? " they asked ,, striker hissed at first before shaking his head and saying " i couldn't blow my cover. besides i thought you wouldn't talk to me if i told the truth " striker said as his face warmed up ,, ( y / n ) stopped for a minute before looking at him. 

" you do realize i murdered over 30 people in my living ? why would i care of how you make a living ? " they asked ,, suddenly his face warmed up more before he looked away with pure embarrassment. ( y / n ) shook their head and started wrapping his back. " besides we're friends. i'm not gonna leave you behind over the kind of things you do " they said ,, the word friends stung striker in the stomach ,, suddenly it stung more when he remembered pushing them away when they saw his back was cut. 

i'm going to hell / striker x reader / Where stories live. Discover now