the harvest festival 🌕

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warning this chapter will contain a whole lot of cussing and some sexual tension. 

you've been warned.

3rd point of view. 

( y / n ) rushed up the stairs and went into a bathroom to find a first aid kit ,, they looked around in the cabinets till they looked in the medicine cabinet and looked at a specific cologne. there was a ton of stuff in there that mostly belonged to striker ,, cologne ,, deodorant and some other medicines. 


( y / n ) panted and wiped the sweat off of their face ,, striker did the same and held his knees. " ugh today sucked- " striker groaned ,, ( y / n ) nodded and chuckled. " that's why i always bring a small care bag so i don't smell " they said ,, before walking to their car and tried to find the small bag they were looking for. they groaned and closed the door. " aw shit !! i forgot my bag " they said ,, going back to striker. striker looked down at them and stood up straight. 

" guess your gonna smell " he said ,, smirking. ( y / n ) gently punched his stomach and walked towards the ranch ,, hearing striker chuckle. " oh come on i was just jokin " he  said before following ,, ( y / n ) looked up at him and said " can i borrow your deodorant ?? " they asked ,, striker nodded and started walking up the stairs. " yeah follow me " he said ,, ( y / n ) walked with him and into the bathroom ,, striker opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed one of the many deodorants he had. " god damn how much shit you got in there ?? " they asked ,, chuckling. 

" different smells for different occasions ! " striker said ,, tossing the deodorant to them ,, ( y / n ) caught it and lifted their shirt up a little to use it. " lemme guess you have one for sleeping ? " they asked jokingly ,, that's when striker grabbed a certain deodorant and said " yeah this one ". ( y / n ) rolled their eyes and said " oh geez get out of here with that ". striker chuckled and took off his jacket to use his own deodorant. 

" thanks striker " ( y / n ) said ,, putting the one they had back. striker smiled and said " no problem ". 


( y / n ) stared blankly at the many different deodorants before snapping out of thought and grabbing a roll of bandages ,, they sat there on the toilet seat wrapping their finger ,, hissing with how much it stung. " hey ( y / n ) you okay up there ?? " lin called ,, ( y / n ) looked out the door before finishing up and placing the roll back. " yeah i'm good ! " they called ,, closing the cabinet and then started walking down stairs. 

" aw you'll be okay to play in the games ?? " striker asked in a baby voice ,, ( y / n ) smirked and said " mama didn't raise no pussy. i'm gonna whoop you both " they said confidently ,, blitzo  laughed at that ,, not believing a word they say.  striker snickered to himself and ( y / n ) looked at him. " oh just wait ,, pony boy. just wait " they said ,, going to their car to change. 

everyone stood by the stage ,, listening to the announcement for the games to start. ( y / n ) changed into a tank top and cuffed jeans ,, but waited by blitzo and striker. "welcome ,, i say ,, welcome to all to wrap the rings of the annual harvest moon festival ! we have the big great stolas to usher in this here paying games " wally claimed ,, stolas grabbed the microphone from him and chuckled. " how kind ,, wadford. and now ,, greetings tiny writhing imps. i hear by welcome you all to another year of celebrating the spoils of your labor to continue to feed the innocents of hell.  i'm happy to kick off the start of these games that will challenge the toughest imps to show their skills and dominance ! " stolas explained ,, ( y / n ) rubbed the back of their head and stared at him. 

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