story time 🎁

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warning this chapter contains mentions of abuse ,, mentions of detailed murder ,, cheating ,, swearing and blood. you've been warned.

3rd point of view. 

they parked the car and stepped out ,, locking the vehicle and shoving their keys in their back pocket. the ringing of their car keys got strikers attention ,, he hummed and stood up a little quickly. ( y / n ) ran their fingers in their hair and did a quick stretch before stopping and looking at the bloody mess before them.  a dead  hog sat there in a bloody puddle ,, striker hid the knife behind his back and sniffled. 

" oooh your first hunt. how'd it go ? " ( y / n ) asked him ,, unbothered with the bloody corpse laying on the floor . striker showed his hands and shyly smiled. blood stained his cloths and his hat was tilted to the side. ( y / n ) laughed and walked over to help carry the corpse into the kitchen. " my first hunt was tough too. " they said ,, bending down to pick up the head. striker placed the knife in his back pocket and helped carry the legs. " yeah ,, this fucker fought for life too " he said ,, ( y / n ) nodded and chuckled. the two imps carried the body into the kitchen and grunted when placing it on the counter. " fuck he's heavy " striker said ,, popping his back. 

lin walked into the kitchen and suddenly smiled when she realized ( y / n ) arrived. " oh good your here ! how was the drive ?? " she asked ,, ( y / n ) turned a chair around and sat down with the front of the chair pressing on their stomach. " good. though it took longer because traffic " they said ,, striker leaned on the counter and crossed his arms ,, staying a little quiet this morning. ( y / n ) could tell he was tired ,, lin smiled at the two. " well good. now ( y / n ) you know what to do. i'll leave you and striker to cut the meat for dinner " she said before leaving the kitchen. 

( y / n ) hummed and got up ,, putting the chair back where it use to be and started rolling up their sleeves. " you often have to make dinner ?? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) shrugged and looked at him. " mostly prepping the food for lin. i'm gone before she even starts the oven " they said ,, going over to a cover and grabbing two aprons. ( y / n ) put on the first one and tossed the second one to striker ,, to which he caught no problem. striker looked at the piece of fabric and started putting it on ,, tying a bow at the back. " how bout you ? you make dinner with any of your folks ? " they asked ,, strikers smile slightly faded as he hummed and grabbed some knifes ,, not taking interest in the topic of family. " i was usually playing outside when ma made food " he said ,, ( y / n ) took the knife and instantly started cutting off the fat of the hog ,, along with striker joining. 

" so how'd someone like you get in hell ? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) smirked and shook her head. " murder. it's a long story though. " they said ,, striker looked down at them and placed his elbow on the counter ,, then his chin on his hand and looked at them innocently. ( y / n ) looked at him and suddenly gave off a small chuckle ,, giving in. " oh alright. well i had this friend " they said ,, striker smiled and went back to cutting as he hummed. " you murdered your friend ?? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) chuckled and shook their head. " nah ,, as much as she pissed me off sometimes ,, i never hit her. anyways i had this friend that i grew up with. she was like a sister i've never had. once we left high school ,, she fell in love with someone " they said ,, striker occasionally looked over at them but instantly looked at his knife so he wouldn't cut any fingers. 

" unfortunately she fell in love with the wrong person. after the two got married ,, i noticed a change in her behavior and mental health. she always apologized for the smallest things that went wrong and flinched anytime someone moved. turns out he was physically and emotionally abusive towards her " they explained ,, getting a little sad and pissed of the memory of it. striker hummed ,, letting them know he was listening. " finally one day he snapped and strangled her with an electric cord " ( y / n ) explained ,, chopping a little more aggressively. striker whistled and shook his head. " that don't sound right ... " he said ,, ( y / n ) nodded and continued the story. 

i'm going to hell / striker x reader / Where stories live. Discover now