the target ❌

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3rd point of view. 

( y / n ) laid there on their side ,, staring out the window under the thin sheets. they sat there in silence ,, finding it a little harder to sleep. so many things were crossing their mind ,, striker was completely somebody else ,, they are now currently dating said demon even after knowing the truth and it was a little scary. they now had to work with someone else at the ranch ,, which could be painful considering they loved working with striker. 
god knows if striker is even allowed back on that ranch ,, ( y / n ) laid there in stress. 

suddenly striker rolled over and pulled them closer ,, wrapping his arms and tail around them. ( y / n ) hugged one of his arms and closed their eyes ,, sighing. " did i wake you ? " he whispered ,, ( y / n ) shivered with how his voice sounded but they answered " no. i can't even fall asleep. i'm just thinking " they said. striker nuzzled his nose on their neck and laid there ,, humming. " about what ? " he whispered ,, ( y / n's ) face warmed up more ,, they shivered and hugged his arm tighter. " today was a lot and i'm thinking about everything at the moment. like ,, am i gonna have a new partner at the ranch ?? am i ever gonna move out of this shitty motel and live my afterlife ?? i'm kind of stressed at the moment " they whispered ,, feeling the need to cry. 

striker used his thumbs to rub their collar bone ,, he hummed and looked at them. " don't stress too much about it ,, sweet face. i'm sure whatever happens we'll- i mean. you'll be okay " he said ,, correcting himself. ( y / n ) smiled and turned themselves around ,, touching noses with him. " yeah but work won't be the same without you there " they said ,, striker smirked and chuckled lowly. " i'm gonna miss you when you leave for work. " he said ,, ( y / n ) let their tail rub against his leg. " are you still getting paid to kill whoever you have to kill ? " they asked ,, 
striker hummed and nodded. 

" i think so. but i have to find him when he's venerable to kill. " striker said ,, ( y / n ) hummed and yawned a little. " that's gonna be tough " they said ,, striker chuckled. " nothing like i haven't handled before. but after this job is done i'm going to take a long break. find something else to do " he said ,, moving to lay on his back and stare at the celling. ( y / n ) stayed on their side and continued to stare at him. " was there one you refused to do ? killing job ? " they asked ,, striker hummed and nodded slowly ,, squinting to try and remember the details. " i was once paid to kill someone's new born. at first i agreed but seeing the little things life ,, it just looked sad. it's mother cared for them so much and she looked like she was struggling to live " he said ,, ( y / n ) frowned at that. 

" so i canceled. couldn't pull myself to do it. " he said ,, ( y / n ) cuddled up to his side and gave him a small peck on the cheek. making striker smile and pull them in and play with their hair. " that was the good thing to do " they said ,, yawning again and closing their eyes. " yeah. i'm glad i didn't do it " he said ,, he rubbed his eyes and sighed happily. " well try and get some sleep ,, pumpkin. " he said ,, ( y / n ) nodded and pressed their ear on his heart. " i love you " they whispered ,, striker blushed and gently squeezed them into a hug. " i love you too " he said. 

the morning finally hit ,, ( y / n ) woke up and noticed striker had already gotten up. ( y / n ) shifted around slightly and slowly sat up. striker sat at the end of the bed ,, staring at his gun. ( y / n ) sat next to him and looked at him. " morning. did you sleep okay ? " they asked ,, striker broke out of thought and looked at them ,, kissing their forehead. " morning. yeah ,, i slept good. you ? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) hugged their knees and said " yeah. i slept good. ". 
striker nodded and opened his gun ,, seeing only one bullet in one of the slots. ( y / n ) rubbed their eyes and stood up ,, going over to the coffee machine. striker stared at the coffee machine until his eyes trailed down their body and stared at their butt. 

striker started to remember something important. 


he panted heavily ,, holding one of his arms with how sore he was. striker dropped the hoe he used for the yard and walked over to the fence ,, sitting down to take a break. " fuck i have to do this shit for two weeks " he said ,, suddenly ( y / n ) stepped over the fence and sat down next to him. they held two cups from a coffee shop ,, ( y / n ) looked at him and smiled. " hey champ. how are you ? " they asked ,, striker looked at them and huffed. 

" sore. " he said ,, ( y / n ) chuckled at that. " you'll get use to it. you like vanilla right ?? " they asked ,, striker looked at their hands and then back up at them. " yeah it's one of my favorite flavors " he said. ( y / n ) handed over one of the cups and smiled. " i thought we could take a minute to wake up " they said ,, striker's face warmed up as he held the cup. " gee that's rather nice of you ... thanks " he said ,, ( y / n ) took a sip of their coffee and hummed. " yeah of course ! to being partners ! " they said ,, holding up their cup. striker smirked and held up his cup ,, " to being partners " he said ,, the two clinked cups and took sips of the warm coffee. 

striker hummed happily and licked his lips. " i needed this " he said ,, ( y / n ) chuckled and said " me too ".


" coffee ? " they asked ,, striker snapped out of his thoughts and looked at their face. " yes. that would be nice " he said ,, ( y / n ) made coffee for him and sat back down. 
" your not .. still mad about me doing this job ,, are you ?? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) sighed and said " like i said last night ,, your job isn't what pissed me off it's the fact you've lied to me since day 1 that got me pissed. ... striker i couldn't care less if you were a porn star or had to clean bathrooms ,, just be honest " they said ,, striker looked down at the cup and took a sip ,, feeling guilt rise in his stomach. 

" don't worry. it won't happen again ,, darling~ " he said ,, ( y / n ) smiled and kissed his cheek. " idiot " they said before getting up and changing. 

the two stepped out of the motel and started walking ,, striker gently grabbed their hand and pulled them into a side hug ,, making ( y / n ) smile. " you touch a lot. " they said ,, striker smirked and said " i can't help myself~ your so perfect ,, who doesn't want to hold you~? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) tied their tail around his and blushed. " okay ,, hottie~ i love a man with touching as his love language~ " they said ,, the couple walked into town ,, holding hands and smiling at each other. 

striker and ( y / n ) came across a hill and laid there ,, cloud gazing. " i never knew you liked cloud gazing. unless this is another fake story " they said jokingly ,, striker chuckled and looked at them. " i did this my whole life. cloud gazing. " he said ,, ( y / n ) chuckled and said " i like star gazing myself ". striker got up and pinned them on the floor. " do you now ? " he asked ,, ( y / n ) snickered and booped his nose. " really~! stars are so pretty~ " they said ,, striker dug his nose on their neck ,, whispering " your a pretty sight to look at~ " he said ,, ( y / n ) giggled and pushed his shoulder. " stop it~! " they said ,, giggling.
striker chuckled and shook his head. " nah ,, i like hearing you giggle~ " he said ,, ( y / n ) gently punched his shoulder. 

" your bout to get kicked " they said jokingly ,, striker chuckled and returned to laying down. " you know ... i think this is gonna work " they said excitedly ,, striker looked at them confused. " what will ? " he asked. " us dating silly~ " they said ,, striker smirked and turned on his side. " i think so too~ " he said ,, ( y / n ) rolled on their side and blushed. " i'm excited to see where this will go~ i love you~ " they said ,, striker grabbed their chin. " i love you too~ " he said. striker pulled them into a kiss ,, to which ( y / n ) returned the kiss.

they weren't so sure where this relationship was gonna go but they love challenges ,, they can't wait. 

the end. 

i'm going to hell / striker x reader / Where stories live. Discover now