meeting I.M.P 😈

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warning this chapter includes ,, cussing ,, mentions of blood.

you've been warned.

3rd point of view. 

2 weeks later

( y / n ) parked in the same place as usual and locked their car but there was a new van in front of the ranch. three imps and a hell hound were talking to the four ,, the female one looked to be their daughter. ( y / n ) walked up to the family and waved. " hi there " they said ,, everyone looked at them in confusion. " oh millie. this is one of our newest helps ,, ( y / n ) !! " lin said ,, millie instantly walked up and shook their hand. " hi there ! i'm millie ,, that's my husband moxxie " she said ,, this moxxie character walked up and shyly held his hand up. he had white hair ,, gray vest with a long sleeve and some jeans. 

" hello there- ( ma'am / mister / y n ) " he said ,, ( y / n ) took a good look at him before smiling. " hey nice to meet you " they said ,, " and over there is loona and blitzo " she said ,, this blitzo character instantly pushed moxxie to the side and shook their hand ,, saying " hey nice seeing ya ". loona only stared at her phone ,, seeming uninterested in the conversation. ( y / n ) hummed and nodded at that. 

" blitzo ? heh that's a fine name " joe said ,, chuckling. " it reminds me of war " lin said as she smiled innocently ,, ( y / n ) stood there uncomfortably and hummed ,, scratching their head. " nothing like a little war to make a strong man " joe said ,, flexing his arm. " i like you people. " blitzo said ,, moxxie tried  to join in the conversation and say " you know ,, more battles were won by technical advances in warfare. i've researched the history i've been extensively ,, and it's been inspiring for example the mention of guns utilizing technology can change the landscape of hells combative..  " he stopped right there when he realized that everyone looked bored. 

( y / n ) looked at everyone and hummed awkwardly ,, though smiled knowing that millie married someone who was intelligent. " i mean- war fun ! " moxxie said quickly ,, joe cleared his throat and said " guns get the job done but a man ain't nothing if he can't tear the head off a beast with only his bare hands ". ( y / n ) nodded and said " yeah ,, true ". " HA. he's right moxxie ,,  you've got cute wittle baby hands like your baby dick " blitzo made fun of moxxie ,, moxxie pushed him and told him to refrain. 

" speaking of strong hands. you should meet my partner " ( y / n ) said ,, smiling big.  " aye ! striker !! " joe called ,, and instantly striker started making his way on a fire hell horse ,, he used his tail to smack the horses behind to go a little faster ,, soon he stopped the horse and the said horse neighed and stood on it's hind legs. " well howdy. oh lookey here ! you must be the famous mildred " he said before getting off the hell horse and walking over to millie. " heard some good things from your folks little lady " he said ,, to which millie chuckled awkwardly and shook his hand. 

" what are ya'll doing so far from imp city ??  free work finally slowing down ??" he asked ,, millie responded with " oh no ! free lancing isn't free it's- ... never mind . we're just visiting for the festival. the prince is the boss's boyfriend~! " she said ,, ( y / n ) snickered and looked at blitzo. " millie i'm not above hitting a female in front of her daddy " he said in annoyance ,, striker looked and blitzo and smiled. " boss huh ? oh! so your the bold imp that started his own killin bizz ? " striker asked ,, ( y / n ) hummed in interest and said " ohhhh ". " yeah well when your good at something you should probably capitalize. " he said ,, ( y / n ) stepped in and said to him " your pretty impressive ,, not many imps are able to do that " they said ,, smiling big. " oh ! ... yeah... ? " he asked ,, stuttering from feeling flattered from the compliment. 

" so you even con that blue ditzy blue blood in to getting you to the surface?? " striker asked ,, shaking blitzo's hand. " well it's long and complicated but the short answer is yes " blitzo said before he quickly added on " but he's not like- you know- were not like doing the- it's a transactional fucking you see " he stuttered ,, ( y / n ) snickered at that and said " mmm i see. " they said sarcastically. 

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