CH:13 Tension (Alain)

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Evena's pov

Well Alain and me were climbing a mountain in sinnoh though he thought it was dangerous so he told I should not come but I wanted to go so I  insisted that I am come with him. Marin was spending some time with Serena and taking knowledge from professor sycamore.

"Alain you are sure we will get a mega stone for Charizard here? I mean sinnoh never had any mega evolutions I think it's silly to come here!" I exclaimed

"Oh I have not came here for mega stones, I have came here for nevermeltice!" He said what!what!I have so many back me house as icey caev is near it and is he is going to do with it?

"Alain you should have told me first!I will give you and what do you want to do with it?" I asked and I slipped out of the icy mountain

Ok bye bye LiFe!!!!!!

Till my hand was grabbed by Alain

"What are you doing pay attention!" He yelled

"I am sorry" I said

Then we went inside a cave and rested as a storm had hit the mountain and it's really snowy out there

"Charizard come out" he yelled

And in fact I did not bring any Pokemons as Eevee was having fun with my mother and it can live without me if only my mother is there 2-3 days and I agreed Alain that only 2-3 days I will be there

"It is pretty cold inside you may come here" he said

"Ok" I agreed

I sat beside him cuddling him while he blushed and Charizard enjoying it's trainer's blushing hard but Charizard couldn't keep down forever

"Charizard come in" he said

"He can't keep forever" he said or maybe whispered to himself

Well the storm was just getting worse

"Alain I think we should we should cuddle so it would keep us warm" I said having a light blush

"Umm..Evena I think we should break up!" He said in serious tone

"But why?" I asked

"Because I am not being close enough as other boyfriends do to there Girlfriends!" He exclaimed nearly crying

"Alain you love me?" I asked

"I do" he said

"I love you too so there's no need for breaking up till we feel love for each other" I said and smiled

He came closer and kissed me on my lip and I blushed hard and rest of the night we spent cuddling each other.

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