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(Evena's pov)

Well it is still night and everyone is asleep and I want some water so I went to take the water

Aftersome time

I was done with my drinking water and I went out to see morning sun but it was 5:00 in the morning and I saw alain training with his Charizard
I went near them to say goodmorning?well he is really rude but I want to be his friend is a good decision.

"Hi alain, good morning " I said

"What do you want?"he questioned

"Nothing, I um....-"he broke me

"What is it??!" He said in anger

" sorry for yesterday" I said

It was a silence between us so I decided to break it

" Do you forgive me alain?" I asked

" Yes,and pls forgive me too....for yesterday"he said but his head was down

" I do forgive you,so we are friends?" I said

" Of course" he said smiling

I hugged him and he hugged me back,but ash sawed everything he came

"Evena?"ash said in a sad tune

I broke the hug but it was too late he ran away tears falling from his eyes

"'s not what you are thinking...wait!!!" I said screaming and running behind him

And my bad luck Serena came and went to ash I was full red with anger

"Ash I think ur crush as been doing this from days in kanto too,she was dating him and she made reason why she wanted to go out" Serena said

"It is not true ash she is telling anything!" I said

"Well I think it is true!!"ash yelled at me

"I think she should not travel with us so get lost u brat" Serena said

I know her plan and it's being successful

" Alain let's have a battle " ash said

"Ok...."alain said

Time skip

And once again winner is Alain

"Congratulations alain"marin, clemont and bonnie said

"Tha-"alain was broken by ash

"Evena you are not traveling with us"ash said left

I was very sad and angry by Serena and I can't control my emotions so I slapped Serena

"Ash! Evena slapped me!!"Serena said

"Come on everyone leave her alone"ash said taking Serena's hand

"Pika pi pika pika pi"Pikachu said

"No!" ash scolded Pikachu and Pikachu can't say no to his trainer

"Eev ee..... " Eevee said

"We will travel alone "I said

"You can travel with us " said bonnie

"But ash doesn't want to travel with me"I said

"Bu-" I cutted clemont

"I will travel alone thanks for asking guys " I said appoling

After some time ash, clemont, bonnie and Serena left

"You can travel with us" marin asked

"But what about alain"I said hopping to say yes to travel with him

"You can travel with us"he said in agreement

"Thank you for everything"I said in a joyful tune

"No thanks in friendship"marin said

Pokemon Ash × OC × Alain Where stories live. Discover now