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(Serena's pov)

Hmm......I have loosed ash but....I like him and I can't just let him go away from me,well the league has started and ash and Evena are in semi finals and tommorow are the semi finals for Evena and ash won the semi finals and now he is in finals.

(Evena's pov)

Tomorrow semi-finals and I don't know who I am going to battle well a bad news that alain is in the semi finals, well it is good but he ignores me all the time and when marin hang outs with us and I ask questions she says " I CAN'T TELL YOU!" She always says.

"Evena!" Ash yelled

"Yes..." I said

"Lost in your thoughts?" He giggald

" Yeah..maybe" I smiled

"See Evena nurse Joy is going to see your battle rival " bonnie cheared

"Yes, let's see who is he or she?" I said in curocity

It was alain , the land went down my legs when he will know what is going to happen!!

"It's trainer alain" nurse Joy said calmly

"Yeah thank you nurse Joy" I said

"Well, I want to battle you in finals" ash cheered

"Yeah......" I said with a sad look

"Are you ok?is something bothering you" ash said a worring look on his face

"No, it's nothing...bye I need to practice as alain is a strong trainer " I said

"Ok let's train together" ash said

"No...I want to train alone" I said

"Ok,ash and others can help me at contest" Serena said

"Ok" I agreed

"Bye..." Serena said and others followed her

"BYE!!" Ash, clemont and bonnie said

"Bye" I yelled back

I then ran as faster as I can and rushed so fast that I bumped into someone and when I look who he was , it's alain

"Sorry alain, sorry for everything" I bursted into tears

" sorry too..." He said blushing a bit

"For what you didn't do anything" I said wiping my tears

" I was very rude to you and that made you leave" he said and I hugged him very tightly

"Ouch it hurts" he complained and I broke the hug

"Eeveeeeeee......" My eevee groweld in happiness and I smile

"Semi finals , we both are going to be in semi finals and going to battle" I said

"Yeah.......I know" he said

"I am not going to let you win this time" I smirked

"Oh... really let's have a battle" he smirked back

Time skip

Winner is Alain again 😅

"What you won again that means I have a no chance to win tommorow and that means I will be out of the league and I won't be able to become Pokemon master" I yelled looking down

"Hey.... you have time now also you can train more hard " he replied

"But tommorow is the league" I said

"Hmm.... you may practice your strongest Pokemon and then you may win the battle" he said

" My all pokemons are strong" I yelled

"Ok,ok, don't yell at me" he replied

" Sorry" I said

"Well....not that time but do you like me" he said blushing deep

"No ash proposed me and I said yes" I said making him sad

"Oh......ok I need to go" he said and left

(Alain's pov)

Well I am felling to cry but I can't as I liked her and none other girl is perfect

" Alain " It was marin

"What is it?" I asked hiding my sadness

" So did she said yes " marin said with hoping she did

"No(I explained what happened)" I explained

" Oh.... that's very bad " she said

"Hmm......." I said

" I have an idea " marin said

" What is it" I asked

" I will not tell you" marin cheered running with her chespin

"Wait" I said running behind her

Time skip

Marin went to Evena and with her was ash, clemont, bonnie and Serena

"Marin wait ,what are doing?" I asked walking

" Evena why don't you like alain he is good enough and stronger than ash and he will protect you and I know he is bit cold hearted but it's ok" marin said

What is saying in front of ash

"Marin what are you talking about" Evena said

"Yes answer my question" she said

" We are just friends" she said looking at

" Did you told her this and embarrass me in front of everyone?" She said in a harsh tone

"No I didn't" I replied in cold tone

(Ash's pov)

What is marin talking about

"No he didn't told me I am saying this to you" she said

"Stop it " she yelled

"What is going on??!!!" I said full of confusion

" Oh..... din't Evena told you that alain convenced his feelings to Evena and she said yes " marin yelled at me

"What is she talking about Evena!!!" I yelled at her

Why?why did she said this

" So you are really a player huh?" Serena questioned

(Evena's pov)

What is going on this is not true!!!

" Marin this is true that he convenced his feelings to me but I said no not yes!" I said

" Marin she is right she didn't said yes to me" alain said agreement with me

"Alain don't speak in between" marin gasped

"Enough!marin you are saying is everything is wrong and ash don't it seriously" alain said and grabbed marin's hand and left

"Ash believe alain he said that marin told everything was lie " I said

"Hmm....I think nothing happened " ash said

We left at pokemon center and slept because tommorow is a big day

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