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(Alain's pov)

Today is the day of semi finals and I am going to win this battle,even if I care about Evena but........

" Alain go the battle is starting" marin said

" Yes I know " I said

"I know you are thinking about Evena as she said no to your love" marin said

"Please don't refresh my thoughts about her" I said

" Ok....." She said and went

I went to the battle field

"Ok, you both will use 1 pokemon " the refree said

"I choose you lucario" Evena shouted

"Charizard " I yelled

(Evena's pov)

The battle began, he mega evolved his pokemon

Time skip

Alain won again but this was my last chance to win the league

"Alain is the winner and going in finals" refree yelled

I just shook my hand and left as I don't want to show my sadness

"Evena you were awesome, I will win finals for you " ash said hugging me

Alain came over there " Evena can I talk to you?" He asked then I broke the hug

"Yes?" I said

"I love you and I know you like ash " he said

"Umm......can I talk to you both personally" I said

They both nodded

" to explain but" I said

"But what!?" Ash questioned

"But" I said

"If you are having some problem you can take your time" alain said calmly

"I like you both" I said

"What are you talking about?" Ash said

"You have to chose one only!" Alain said

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