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(Evena's pov)

"Soo..... which is the first gym we need to go?" Ash asked

" Hmm....I think we should catch some Pokemons before we challenge the gym leader " I said

" Ok....." He said

" Hey ash I want to talk that how many regions did you traveled?" Serena asked

"Well....kanto, orange island ,jotho, hoenn,sinnoh,unova and now kalos region" he replied

" So did you won any league as you collect gym bages?" She said

"Umm...No " ash replied

" Hey guys we need to go to santalune city " clemont said

" Ok " I said

(Serena's pov)

I don't like Evena,and I think ash loves her but I have a crush on him

"Clemont do you know a place where we can catch pokemons " I said changing the topic

" Yes... Clemont do you know" ash said excitedly

" I don't know" clemont said

Then a small espurr appeared

(Evena's pov)

Wow a espurr,this my chance to catch it

"Eevee use shadow ball "I said

What it doged

" Eevee use tackle " I said

" Yes now it weak,go pokeball "I said

" I catched it " I said happily

" Well done Evena " ash said

" Ya ya..well done " Serena said

" Hey ash when will you catch a pokemon means we can challenge the gym " I asked

" Yes I will catch a pokemon " he said

We then went to santalune city

(Ash's pov)

It's been few days when we left Lumiose City

We were walking to santalune city, I felt a bit weird when Evena and Serena talked they always are fighting but trying to show they are not fighting.

"Ash look there a froakie " Evena said trying to tell me to catch it

"Pikachu use thunderbolt " I said

" Pika pi" he said

" Go pokeball" I said

" Ash you caught a froakie" Evena said prasing me

" Thanks" I said

"We are here " clemont said

" Yay....!!!" Bonnie said running down the path

" Bonnie don't run you can fall down " Evena said scolding

" Ok..ok.ok" bonnie said

" Let's go to Pokemon center " Serena said

" Let's go " I said

Time skip

We were in Pokemon center healing our pokemons

" I think we have to stay here for today then we challenge the gym tommorow " Evena said

" Ok" I said

"Well your pokemons are healed, thanks for coming " nurse Joy said

"We want a room to stay tonight" clemont said

" Here are your keys " nurse Joy said handling our keys to clemont

Time skip

"Good night everyone"Evena said before sleeping.

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