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(Evena's pov)

"Hey alain where are we going?"I questioned

"We are going to hoenn region"he replied

"Yes!to see new region would be fun"marin cheered

How to tell them I don't want to go!!

"Um......alain"I merely said

"Yes?"he said

"Why do you want to go to hoenn region?" I asked

"Because I have a job to do "he said

"Ok..."I replied

Hmm.....I need to make new reasons not to go as I have visited and I want to win more bages plus I only have 6 bages I need to collect 2 more.

"Alain are you going to take part in league?" I asked

"Yes"he said

So why is he not collecting bages

"What about you?"he asked

"I am collecting and I have 6 bages,how many bages do you have?"I asked

"I have all 8 bages"he said

"So......can I battle a gym as it is near the airport" I said

"Can I see your gym battle?"marin asked

"Sure....but alain needs to give yes."I said

"Of course but if you made it in 2 days " he said

"Of course I will win the 7th bage "I said confidentially

He smiled at me and that made me feel something well he is polite at somethings and understand it, plus he is bit cute wait what am I thinking it's been only three days and I am in love with him.

"Evena!!!!" Marin yelled at me

"Yes!"I said

"Alain said he is booking a room in Pokemon center and you didn't hear it so I shouted at you"marin explained

"Oh....great let's go inside the pokemon center "I said

"Come on"marin said running with her chespin

(Time skip)

We were in Pokemon center and in the room.

"Alain can we train and battle each other you are very strong against me "I said hopping to say yes

"Ok,let's go"he said grabbing my hand

"Can I come to?"marin said

"Yes!"I said

(Time skip)

"Ok Evena choose your pokemon" Alain yelled

"I choose you lucario" I yelled back

"Go Charizard" he said mega evolving it

(After the battle)

Winner is Alain again

"Why do you always win!"I said

"Because I train, so.... let's train together." He said

(Alain's pov)

I looked into her blue eyes which looked like ice and her crimson hair,wait what am I thinking well I think I have a crush on her,no! She just haved a great fight with her best friend and sure she is in love with him I can't just,break it.

"Um....what are you talking alain in my full training I have not train with someone else and even ash.....but it's ok we will train together" she said awkwardly

"Yup!" I replied

"I am going to sleep"marin said

"Bye" she said (marin)

"Bye"Evena said

(Evena's pov)

We have been training now it's 8:30 pm

"Alain tommorow I will challenge the gym leader"I said

"For that you need to sleep well " he said

(Time skip)

We were in the room and I found marin asleep

"Eevee hop on and have a sweet dream,and alain same to you and marin"I said

"Sweet dreams to you"alain said a light blush on his face, I giggled a bit.

Waiting for tommorow and challenge the gym leader. And I am going to win this

Pokemon Ash × OC × Alain Where stories live. Discover now