If you choose Alain Ch:12

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(Evena's pov)

"ok, ash I am sorry, I choose Alain" I said

"Oh......I thought you loved me more than anyone" ash said sadness occurring on his face

"Ash........" I said

He left in sadness and when I look he was gone with Serena and others

"I thought you loved ash more than me" alain said a surprising look on his face

"I love you plus you convenced your feelings first and you always care for me" I said trying to smile

" Why did ash and others left in a sad look?" Marin questioned

"Because* explains everything* " alain told her

" Oh! That's great now you can travel with us Evena" marin cheered

"Ok....." I said

Did I did the good thing or bad thing!?

"Come on night time " marin said

" Evena I will be booking a room, can you take care for marin?" Alain asked

I think I did the bad thing saying that I love alain means I love him and love ash too...!! Whome to choose is very difficult and important!!!!!

" Evena!?,Are listening?" Alain yelled

"um...n-I mean yes I am listening" I said

"What did I said?" Alain asked

"You said....I don't know" I said

" I said that I am booking a room for night at pokemon center and you take care of marin and is it ok!?" He said

"Yes,it is" I said

Alain went and marin came to me

" Evena can you show your all pokemons!? preety please" asked marin

"Sure" I said taking out my all pokemons

There was lucario, meowstic, absol ,Weavile, Milotic and eevee

" They are great team Evena" said marin

"Thanks" I said

Alain came and said " come on....Evena are they your pokemons!?" Alain questioned

"Yes?" I replied

"They are cool, but we need to go in so..... " he said

"I know what you mean... everyone in" I said leaving eevee by my side

We all went in feeder the pokemons and we also ate and went to bed

Time skip

Today is the day of finals

"You both can use 1 pokemon" refree said

"Greninja I choose you" ash yelled

"Charizard I choose you"

Time skip

Alain won the battle

"Alain you won the battle that means you won the league!!!" I cheered

"Yes!" Marin said

"Thanks" he replied

I went to ash but he ignored me and he left

"Ash....." I mumbled

I went to alain

"Evena will you go out with me?" Alain asked me

"Sure" I said

Time skip

"So, alain where are we going?" I asked

" To have a dinner " he replied blushingly

"Ok" I said

We went to a cafe and sat down

"What do you want to eat" alain asked

"Whatever you want to eat" I said

"um...please bring two strawberry donouts and two orange juice" he said

"Ok sir" the waiter replied

After some time the waiter came and served the meal and we ate our meal

" Did you like the meal?" Alain questioned

" Yes!I love it" I replied

After the food we went at the park

"Isn't the sunset beautiful?" I said

"Just like you" alain said

"Alain?" I said

"Yes?" He questioned

I kissed him on his cheek

"Ev-ena why did you kissed me?" He asked

"Because I love you" I replied

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